Chapter 6

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We were on a Lear Jet heading for some kind of training ground. Currently we were flying over the ocean, Soji wouldn't tell us exactly where we were going. Connor, Soji, Ren and I were the only ones on the plane. Connor sat next to me, holding a bandage to his left cheek. Unfortunately, the knife I had thrown at him had only nicked his cheek. Ren sat on the other side of me staring out of the plane window.

I looked up at Soji and asked, “how much longer?”

He grinned, “You will know.”

Connor groaned, taking the bandage off his cut. “Do you always have to throw stuff at me?! A lot of the things you pick are lethal!”

I looked at him, “If you weren't such an idiot I wouldn't have to throw stuff at you.” I then muttered to myself, loud enough for Connor to hear, “too bad I missed.”

Connor was about to say something when the plane suddenly dived down. We all held on tightly to our seats. Connor yelled, “bloody hell, we're all gonna die!”

Soji just gave us a serene grin, “so it seems.”

Ren yelled, “damn it, the old man planned this!”

I looked out the window to see the water rushing forward and my stomach dropped. I thought to myself, 'I've always thought that if I were to die it would end with me being eaten by something during a hunt.'

I braced myself as we were about to hit the water but before the tip of the plane could touch the water, the ocean suddenly opened up. Once the plane entered it levelled off. I couldn't wrap my head around it, there was no water around us but we could see the ocean. A large city made of gold came into view and the plane began to land.

As it landed I looked out the window again and watched, looking at all the multicoloured fish swimming around. Connor jumped up and looked out a window too, a woman with a fish tail that was blue at the end and turquoise at the top, swam up to the window. She had bright grey eyes and long ebony hair that floated in tendrils around her head. She was strikingly beautiful. She winked and blew a kiss at Connor before swimming away.

I looked at Soji over my shoulder and asked in disbelief, “was that a mermaid?!”

Soji grinned and gave a nod, “yes. If jackalopes exist why can't mermaids?”

Connor threw his arms up in the air in triumph, “yes! I knew it!”

The plane jolted as it landed, Ren looked at Soji, face pale. “Why aren't we drowning?”

Soji replied, “This is Atlantis, but the tales you may have heard of are not true. Mermaids do not live within the city but dwell outside the borders. Here is the real story. Thousands of years ago Atlantis once resided above the ocean. On this land there lived a race known as Atlantians, they were a very advanced race and held many powerful weapons but the greatest thing about them was their knowledge. The Atlantians lived in peace for centuries until something ancient had found them. His name was Xydron, an old and powerful dragon. He terrorized the people of Atlantis, he coveted their knowledge. As powerful as the Atlantians were, there was a possibility of them losing to Xydron so they sunk the city to ensure the safety of their knowledge.”

Ren blinked a few times, “are you telling me that dragons are real? That is just ridiculous.”

Soji grinned, “every myth has some truth in it. Now come on, lets get off this plane.”

We got off the plane and faced the gates of Atlantis. The ground was made of marble while the building structures varied between a mixture of gold, marble and some precious metals. Some were encrusted with precious gems as well. There were pathways that led around the city that looked to be made of pure gold.

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