Chapter Eighteen

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Saturday arrived and Ty had stayed at Fairfield with Caleb and Scott, Jack and a couple of other friends from University.
Amy obviously stayed at the Ranch house with Lou, Georgie, Lisa , Ashley,   Soraya,
Amy was up and helping Georgie do the morning chores.
"Thanks for helping Amy, shouldn't you be getting ready ".
"Ha ha , not this early Georgie,  its only 5.30am".
By 6.30 they'd finished the chores and headed in for breakfast.
"Lou, do we have everything we need"
"Yes Amy, don't worry,  I picked up all the dresses yesterday,  the church was sorted late yesterday afternoon,  flowers going in this morning,  our flowers are on there way here and the boys flowers will be dropped off after us, the awnings are up and the decorations are going in this morning along with the lights.
The caterers will be setting up later. So everything is ready believe it or not ".
" And the Limo?".
"Oohh NO". Amy looked shocked until Lou burst out Laughing.
"LOU! Dont do that, then laughter broke out all round.
"I'm not like Grandpa who forgot mine!!!! Ha ha ".
"Thankfully ". Amy said smiling.
Jack looked a bit embarrassed but Lou walked up to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

The time came around quickly and everyone was ready,  the Limo turned up and everyone got in, Jack looked more nervous than Amy did.
"You okay Grampa,  you look a bit warm".
"Yeah I'm fine just a bit nervous that's all".
"Awww Grampa,  all you have to do is walk with me and put my hand into Ty's,  and I'll love you forever for doing this, your more my father figure than you know who".
"You look so beautiful Amy, I so wish your mum was here".
"I do too Grampa,  but shes hopefully looking down on us".
"I don't Think she would miss this for anything sweetheart ".
They arrived at the Church on time and got out, as they entered the vestibule they all lined up ready, the music started and they all moved forward in line , Amy and Jack followed last , as Amy saw Ty standing there her eye's watered,  Jack placed Amy's hand into Ty's and gave His Granddaughter a kiss on her cheek saying how proud of her he was.
Amy looked at Ty and saw tears in his eyes.
"You look absolutely beautiful ".
The service started and as if time sped up Amy heard him say "You are now Husband and Wife,  you may kiss your bride".
They walked back down the Aisle to the Vestibule and into the office to sign the Register along with Caleb and Cass as witnesses.
When Amy and Ty walked out the Church they were bombarded with confetti,  they had some photographs taken but most would be taken at the Ranch.
They got in the Limousine and went back to Heartland.  Once there they disappeared into the house so their quests could arrive. The first thing they did apart from have a real kiss was Yep Coffee.
They watched as everyone started to arrive,  neither of them could stop smiling,  this was a long time coming and they were finally together.

The reception was in full swing and the speeches had everyone with watery eyes.  Ty had Amy in tears with his speech saying how he thought he had lost her.
Then Amy stood saying she had a surprise for Ty, he had seen the big screen just behind them. Amy was saying how she had a hard time keeping this to herself but wanted to give him this today on there Wedding,  then an image appeared on screen of her Scan from yesterday.
The room erupted with cheers and clapping as Ty turned to look, his smile went from ear to ear, he looked at Amy as she put her hand on her belly and grabbed her into a hug and a very passionate kiss forgetting everyone was watching. 
Jack spoke up saying, this is probably how this happened and Ty and Amy were suddenly blushing very red faced.
They cut the Cake and had their first dance as Husband and Wife.
The food was delicious and simple,  they both danced with Lyndy and all three together.  Lou took over looking after Lyndy as Ty and Amy went to change and get things ready to go on there Honeymoon.  Three weeks they would be away and hopefully when they came home the Barn and Loft conversions would be finished.
They went and said goodbye to Lyndy ,Lou , and Jack n Lisa then came out to a lot of cheers as they waved and got in the Limo, they were off to Florida for  the first two weeks anyway, Lou, Katie and Georgie had no Idea they would be joining them with Lyndy for the last week.

Monday morning came and the Ranch was full of trucks and builders,  Amy had put a lot of thought into the design of the Barn, on the left side there would be a Gap between two Stalls so that when Amy and Ty took over Heartland they could build a second Barn connecting to the original and that's what the gap was for.
Due to overcrowding Tim had been released from Jail and went straight to  Heartland but apart from Lou and the kids no one was around.
He asked the workers where everyone was and was speechless when Told that Amy and Ty were on their Honeymoon and Jack was at Fairfield for a few days.
Tim saw this as an opportunity to get in his daughter's good books and sacked all the workers saying he would carry on with it.  Of course there was no way in hell he could do it and it would take him a couple of months even with some help.

The following morning Lou noticed that the Contractor had not turned up to work, she then saw her father's truck outside the Barn. Lou phoned him as Lyndy was still asleep, 
"Hi Lou what's up".
"Dad, why are you not in Jail and what are you doing in the Barn ".
"I'm making it up to Amy by doing this conversion for her and saving her some money ".
"Don't be a fool Dad, you cant do it on your own,  it's a major building Job".
"Dont be stupid Lou it's converting the Loft for them to live in".
"Dad, the Barn and Loft are being extended,  from 4 stalls to Ten and the Loft is going to be a three bedroom apartment with a Balcony on the Front ,Back and right hand side. ".
" Well okay it will take a few months ".
"DAD, Amy and Ty want it finished by the time they get back, and where are the contractors ".
"Oh, I err sacked them Amy will have to Just wait ".
"Oh No she wont, your still not allowed on Heartland,  now leave".
Lou phoned Jack and told him what Tim had done, she had to pull her phone away from her ear, she had never heard her Grandfather swear so much. Tim was refusing to leave as usual.
Jack phoned the contractor telling him that Tim has no Authority to interfere in his Granddaughters agreement with him and they are to escort him off the property or phone the police as he has a restraining order to stay away from Heartland and Amy.
The contractor agreed and would be back in the morning.
The following morning Tim arrived about 10AM and saw the workmen busy working on the Barn, he walked over telling them to clear off. The contractor told Tim he has no Authority over them as the Contract is between him and Mrs Borden. Tim cringed when he heard his Daughter referred to as Mrs Borden, but the contractor told him to leave or he would call the RCMP.
Tim left grumbling to himself about how his daughter doesn't need him anymore.

To be continued

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