Chapter Thirteen

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Ty and Lou go back in the Kitchen and Ty walks over to Amy to ask her to go on a Date as the last one was before she Left Heartland.
"Amy, how would you like to go on a Date tonight, a proper Restaurant date, say 7pm".
"Oh Ty, I'd love to".
"I will pick you up later then, Lou's babysitting ".

Ty came to pick Amy up for their date, he walked in to the kitchen, "Wow Ty
You clean up nicely, you look very nice . I'll let Amy know your here". Said Lou. (Damn he looks hot). Lou knocks on Amy's door.
"Amy, Ty's here".
"Okay Lou give me 2 minutes ".
Amy came out with her blonde hair down with long curls, a mid thigh dress which was a shimmering light Blue and high heeled pixe boots .
Ty was speechless for a short while, "Amy you look beautiful "
"Thank you Ty".
Ty gave her his arm and they both said they'd see her (Lou) later and walked out to the truck.
They got to the restaurant and as Ty already booked were shown to their table.
" I've never been here before Ty, is it new"
"Yeah, it opened about a year ago I think" .
The waitress came over and asked if they were ready to order and if they would like drinks. Ty ordered water for both of them then Amy said what she wanted then Ty ordered.
They were enjoying the evening and talking about how to plan the Loft when Ty knocked over his glass of water while moving his hands trying to explain something which thankfully was almost empty. Amy started to mop up the water with a napkin and was so engrossed in doing it she didn't see Ty move to the side of her down on one knee. Amy suddenly realised how quite it had gone and looked up, She took a gasp as she saw Ty on one knee with an open red velvet box with a beautiful diamond ring in it.
"Amy, two years ago I came to the Ranch early in the morning to ask you what I'm about to ask you now, but you had already left so this time , Amy Fleming would you do me the honour of agreeing to spend the rest of your life with me and become my wife".
" YES, Yes Ty Borden I Will". Ty slipped the ring on her finger and Amy stood and kissed him long and sweet, the restaurant burst out in clapping and a couple of whistles.

When they got back to heartland and walked in Lou turns round and Amy held her hand up with the ring facing Lou.
Lou went wild running over and hugging them both, "Congratulations you two ".
Ty went to give Amy a goodnight kiss but Amy shook her head, "Your stopping with me tonight Ty". They said goodnight to Lou and Amy dragged Ty to her room, as he looked round Lou had a smile on her face and gave Ty the Thumbs up. Then Amy closed and locked her door.
Ty was surprised by Amy's new found confidence and the way she took the lead, doing things he thought the old Amy wouldn't dream of. Then he had a horrible thought.
"Amy, I have one in my wallet but it's been there 2 yrs, I dont know how long they last".
"Don't care Ty, use it anyway".
"Are you sure, you could get pregnant".
"Would that worry you Ty, I've missed so much of Lyndy growing up".
Ty saw her eyes fill up and hugged her as tight as he could without hurting her".

In the Morning Amy came into the kitchen with a big smile on her face, then saw the look on her Grandpa's face so stuck her Left hand right under his nose.
"Oh Congratulations Amy, when did Ty propose".
"Last night while on our Date in a Restaurant, on one knee in front of everyone, they all started clapping and whistling. There's something I want to ask you later Grandpa".
"The answer is Yes Amy, I know what you want to ask and that's fine with me now you have a ring".
"Ohh thank you".
Amy hugs him and gives him a big kiss on his cheek .
"So when you two getting married or haven't you talked yet.". Lou asks.
Amy makes Ty a coffee and as she walks back to her room yells "6 weeks Lou on my Birthday".
"WHAT !!!!".
Jack's laughing looking at Lou's facial expression.
Amy wakes Ty up and gives him his coffee, "Think I just gave Lou heart failure ". Laughing.
"Why !".
"She asked when were getting Married so I told her".
"Oops, you do know she'll be a nightmare ".
"Yep". And they both start laughing.

Another week goes by and the Wedding plans are going well.
Tim's in court for his hearing but thankfully Amy and Lou don't have to go as he pleaded Guilty.
His Lawyer pleaded the case about his injuries in doing Rodeo and the Death of his wife. He also said his Daughter's
were abusive and although he does drink they pushed him over the edge.
The RCMP couldn't believe it when the Judge dismissed the case as long as he got help.

Over the next three weeks Tim stayed away and kept a low profile, then he found out about the wedding in two weeks time.
The Wedding planning was all done, they were getting married in the same little Church as Jack and Lyndy and Lou and Peter, then a big Marquee with lights etc. Amy and Ty would ride back on Spartan and Harley from the Church to Heartland as the crow flys across the fields. Her Dress was made so it would go over the back of Spartan.
It was the day before the wedding and Amy's 22nd Birthday and there was excitement everywhere.
"Lou, I'm going to Maggie's to get the rest of the stuff for tomorrow, the pies and desserts ".
"Okay Amy, that'll save time in the morning, see ya later".
"Should be about an hour Lou".
Amy left to get to Maggie's , everything was ready for her so she took the first load then went back for the second . On her way to her truck which was parked out the back someone grabbed her and held a cloth over her mouth and nose, Darkness took her and everything fell to the floor , they even took her phone and thew it with the pies on the floor.
It had been two hours and Lou was getting worried so tried to phone her.
A mystery voice answered the phone ,
"Hello, this is my sister's phone who are you".
"Ohh sorry dear, The phone was on the floor with a load of pies, looks like someone dropped them. Yes I can do that for you. Okay dear".
"Ty , (yeah) we need to go now to Maggie's ".
"Why, what's wrong ".
"Amy's missing ".

To be continued

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