Chapter Nineteen

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Amy and Ty had been on Honeymoon for a week and a half. Amy looks at Ty and he nods, so Amy picks up her phone and makes the call.
Lou is busy cooking dinner when her phone rings, she sees it's Amy and answers.
"Hello Amy, hows Florida".
"Fine Lou, lovely and warm, do you have Lyndys bag near you by any chance".
"Err no, but I can get it, Georgie can you bring Lyndys bag in here please, okay I've got it".
" Right, this is a big favour Lou , Lyndys passport is in the pocket inside her bag and we want You, Georgie and Katie to bring her to us, also in the pocket are Four Flight tickets, Hotel reservations and a Limo will pick you up at the airport and take you to the hotel, and Lou , its the Disney world Hotel for a whole week "
"What!!!!, are you being real, OMG Amy ".
"Yes Lou, me and Ty arranged it ages ago, Grampa knows and so do Maggie's so you have nothing to do for 7 days., we will meet you at the Hotel on Saturday, Love you".

Lou put the phone down completely speechless.
Georgie and Katie were both looking at her.
"Change of Plans guys, were going away on Saturday to meet up with Amy and Ty because they miss Lyndy, and they've booked us in a hotel for a week at Disney World ".
Screams of joy came from katie and then smiles from Georgie, Trick riding will have to do without her. .

Ty and Amy were waiting for them to arrive at the Hotel, as soon as Lyndy saw her mum and Dad she ran as fast as she could "Mommy Daddy" . They all had hugs and kisses, Lou booked in and Lou and the girls went to find there room.

Eight days later the Limo was coming down the long drive towards the Ranch when they saw the Barn and Loft all finished.
"Amy, did Grandpa know about the big Balcony all the way around the Loft ". Lou mentioned.
"Err, No Lou ,we added that part afterwards so we could sit and watch the sunsets".
They all laughed, then Georgie saw the washing area under the front part of the balcony with a concrete floor and a Drain.
The car pulled up at the Ranch house and Jack and Lisa came out to welcome them all home. Jack looked at Amy with a smirk on his face "You young Lady were very quiet about that Balcony ".
"You don't mind do you Grandpa, otherwise we'd have no where to sit and watch the view or sunsets".
"Of course not, now it's all painted the same colour it looks really good.".

Lisa said that dinner would be in one hour, so Amy ,Ty and Lyndy went to look at there new home.
After two weeks they were moved in, Lyndy loved her new bedroom and Amy and Ty were busy getting the Nursery ready but after the last scan they needed to double up on everything as Amy was having Twins.
Next week was the court case against her own Father for kidnapping her and trying to sell her.
Amy was 15 weeks pregnant now but looked about 25.
Ty asked her if she was nervous about next week but she said she wasn't nervous as such just worried.

Jack and Lisa decided to have a BBQ at the weekend to try and take their minds off the Court case on Monday.
They invited a few friends over and they brought there musical instruments over for some singing as Jack thought if he can get Amy to sing as well she wont be thinking about her Father.
The BBQ was a great Idea, Lyndy was playing with Katie and everyone else was talking and laughing , Jack was watching Amy and Ty and he hadn't seen Amy so happy in a very long time, Ty was like a different person now he had Amy back and Lyndy with two more on the way.
They started playing songs and singing , even Amy sang some on her own as well as with her Grandpa. Lyndy was fascinated with seeing her mommy sing. By 10pm they were all ready for bed, reality came crashing down as court started at 10am.

Everyone was there, Amy wore a beautiful dress that was mid thigh in white and sparkly Emerald green with small pixie boots with her hair Long and wavy, she was a sight to see.
Amy was called first as she was snatched outside of Maggie's.
As she was explaining what she remembers a photo of what she was carrying and her phone was on the screen.
Amy was then asked what she remembers from the times when the medication had worn off but she stayed quiet to listen, the only time was when Tim was trying sell his own Daughter. She answered a few questions from the defence. Then shown out.
The next witness was the Arab who was interested in buying Amy and he had done a deal with the Prosecution.
He said he got a call from a friend to say someone was wanting to sell a Very beautiful Blonde girl about 22 yrs old and single.
He also said how disgusted he was when he found out it was his own Daughter and when he took the sheet off, what he was expecting to see after seeing the photos of her was not the same woman in those photos, he was starving her. I said No and left, then got my aid to phone for the police .
While he was talking , images were displayed on the large screen of the state of Amy when they found her and of the bill of sale Tim was hoping for before the arab said that on the photos he was shown Amy had meat on her bones, but after starving her she was worthless.
Other photos were shown to shock the jury.
Then it was Tim's turn.
After he had been up there it was obvious what the jury would do.
The prosecutor didn't think the jury would be out that long.
Amy was cuddling Ty with her head on his chest and tears in her eyes.
Ty noticed people look over and smile while giving a nod of their head. He thought how nice that was.

An hour later to everyone's surprise the Jury were ready. All stood as the Judge came in then sat down after he did. The Jury walked back in.
The Judge asked if the decision was unanimous, which it was.
They found Tim quilty on all charges.
Sentence to be sorted out at a later date.
( Two weeks later Tim was sentenced to 20 years.)

2 weeks later Amy made an appointment for her show and tell Scan.

Amy and Ty were laying in bed in the morning talking about what if its 2 girls as that seems to be the way it goes in Amy's family, Amy said that they'd just keep trying and if not start looking at old wife's tales.
Ty asked Amy just how many children do they go up to just to try for a boy.
Amy smirked at him and just casually said " errrr, 10 maybe I did warn you I want a large family.
Amy was finding it hard to keep a straight face by the look of terror on Ty's face.
Jack, Lisa, and Lou were sat drinking there early morning coffee on the Porch of the Ranch House.
Amy was cuddled up to Ty and said to him,
"Oh it wont be that bad Ty".
"Well this place will be too small Amy"
"Well I expect we will be living in the Ranch House by then anyway.
Oh, sorry Ty, baby brain again. I had my Scan yesterday due to a cancellation but you were out of cell range and Scott said you were miles away so I took the appointment.
Its Definitely Twins and I'm afraid to say that Baby A is Girl, and Baby B is a ,,,,,,,,,,
Jack and the girls were still drinking there coffee as if waiting for something then they hear Ty's Shout

Jack looks at Lisa and Lou,
"Well looks like Ty's getting his SON.


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