Chapter Nine

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Ty Phoned the Hospital to see if Amy's Operation was on time and was told she was already in Theater. He looked at the time 10.15am, so got ready to drive to Edmonton, Lou offered to look after Lyndy along with Jack n Lisa as back up.
There was no guarantee Amy would wake up today but he wanted to be there if she did.
Lou had already started the ball rolling for compensation for Amy against the company that sent the inspector to the rescue Sanctuary as it turns out he shouldn't of been there, he was at the wrong Horse Ranch and had no Idea what he was doing.
Ty arrived at the Hospital and found out that Amy was in recovery, he asked reception to inform Dr Philips that he had arrived and took a seat in the waiting room area.
Dr Phillips called Ty from the door and he followed her to her office.
"Take a seat Ty, I'm going to get straight to the results of the Operation and yes it was a success, we were able to get all the blood clot out, how long it will take for her to wake up is anybody's guess but she will wake up eventually. "
"Thank you so much Doctor Phillips, If you hadn't had a look she could of been like that forever, you have no Idea what this means to me and Lyndy as well as the rest of the family."
"I'm just glad I could help, but I want to let you and Lou know that this means a lot to me too as It means I may be able to help other Coma Patients ".

A week had passed and there was no sign of Amy waking up so Ty decided to try something and asked Jack n Lisa if they could bring Lyndy to the hospital to see her Momma and hopefully her voice and touch may stimulate her senses. Jack and Lisa thought it a great Idea and said they'd book a hotel room for a few days.
"We'll see you tomorrow Ty".
The next day Jack n Lisa came in with Lyndy and she started pointing at Amy, "Momma" so Ty gently put her as close to Amy as Possible,  Ty Jack n Lisa stayed near the bed with the side guards up and watched Lyndy interact with her mom.
Lyndy was cuddling up to her and stroking her face as well as gabbering away to her, Amy heard her but as she was 6 months old the last time Amy was conscious she wasnt sure. Ty saw the expressions on Amy's face and new something was going on, so asked Jack to speak to her, then Ty held her hand and started to do the one thing she should remember, he started rubbing the back of her hand with his Thumb in little circles while talking to her.
They did this for a good hour and Amy even started to move her head, but she still hadn't woken up.
Jack and Lisa decided to have a break and went to the Cafeteria, Lyndy had fallen asleep half on Amy but was squeezing the top of Amy's breast gently with her fingers, Ty was dozing in the chair right up against her bed with his head laying by the side of her hand.
Amy started to wake up and opened her eyes to see her Daughter but older and looked to the side seeing Ty who also looked older. She moved her hand and started to gently play with the back of Ty's neck hair like she used to running her fingers through his hair.
Ty felt it and knew who it was immediately, his eyes started to fill up and as he looked up tears ran down his face , they looked at each other and Ty moved to her giving her the most gentle Kiss he could and Amy reciprocated. Eventually they pulled apart and Amy looked at him " What happened and why do you look older and Lyndys grown too,( with a shaky voice)."
" I spent 2 years looking for you with Lou's help ,when Clint suddenly turned up with Lyndy telling us you and another girl had an accident with a horse you were trying to fix."
" How long have I been in hospital Ty".
" A whole year Amy",
"I'll tell you what we know Amy, I'm so glad you woke up and I did come to see you that morning but Lou said you left about 3am , I'm so sorry. I really am".
Amy had tears, Ty had tears, they just hugged for some time as neither of them could speak. Lyndy was still sleeping.

Eventually Ty was able to fill in Amy with what they had been told happened and who organised everything for her. The experimental Scanner that found the reason she wasn't able to wake up, etc.
Amy asked Ty to get closer and kissed him, she said that they will talk about things but that she was still in Love him, and Ty told her how lonely he was without her and he was still in Love with her and his Daughter.
Just then Lyndy woke up and saw her awake, "Momma" she said and that did it for Amy as she burst into tears hugging her Little girl.
Then an another surprise as Her Grampa and Lisa walked in seeing Amy Awake.
Jack tried to run as fast as he could to Amy ,as Ty picked Lyndy up so she wouldn't get squashed. Jack wrapped her in a gentle bear hug kissing her cheeks with tears in his eyes and Amy's. Then Lisa's turn.
Jack sat in the chair holding her hand saying that her Leaving was the biggest wake up call he ever had and couldn't stop apologising for the way he'd been treating her like she was still 15. "I've learnt my lesson Amy, never again will I think of you as a little Girl, your a grown woman with your own mind. When Clint turned up with this little girl and not you I truly believed We'd lost you. Lyndy is beautiful and a credit to you and Ty, thank you both for our Great Granddaughter".
They all spent ages talking and forgot to tell anyone Amy was awake.

To be continued

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