Chapter Six

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2 years Later.

Lou had been trying to help Ty find Amy, but truthfully with her Truck and Rig she could be anywhere.
Ty walks back into the kitchen and Lou tells him again that it wasn't just his fault Amy left, Grampa had his part in it but the one who pushed her over the edge was Tim.
"Ty, She stuck up for you that night at dinner after Dad started ridiculing you, and she'd had enough of it from both of them, she was Angry and Frustrated at you for not getting in touch and she left a letter to me on her bed . I'll go and get it."
Lou came in and handed it to Ty for him to read.

I'm sorry I left in the middle of the night but I thought it best.
I've had enough Lou, I cant take anymore.  It was either Leave or Cut my Wrists and I didn't like the second option.
I have a Job to go to , working with a Horse Rescue and Rehabilitation Sanctuary but I'm not saying where.
I want Ty to know that I still Love Him So Much, my heart is Broken Lou.
Ty Obviously doesn't Love me anymore otherwise he would have fought to keep me so I'm going to make a fresh start if I can mend my Heart and who knows maybe I'll get my Happy Family, Husband, 3 kids, and our own little Ranch. At least I can still dream.
Shut down the webpage  for me Lou, I'll make a new one,  one day perhaps.  I love you Lou.
Take Care.

Amy. Xx

Tears were falling from both Lou and Ty.
"I'm an Idiot Lou, how can she still love me, I know I still love her so much and I left it to Late. "
"Stop beating yourself up about it Ty, Dad put the final nail in the coffin as they say, It's going to be hard today Ty, it's been 2 yrs exactly today she drove off.
Lou decided to make Lunch and Ty had the Day off as it was the Anniversary when Amy Left.
They were just finished eating when a car arrives and parks out by the fence.
They both look out the window and see an old face get out the car,  they look at each other because it's Clint, Ty's old probation officer.
Lou opens the door and invites him in.
They all say there hello's and sit at the dinning Table per Clints request.

"So what can we help you with Clint "
Lou says.
"Well I need help with a very sweet little Girl whose 18 months old."
"Clint I really dont want" Clint cuts Lou off.
" Lou this little Girl concerns you and probably more so Ty, Just do me a favour and look at these Photos
please ".
Clint hands over all the photos except two. Lou and Ty look at the Photo's then Ty asks the one question he was waiting for.
"Clint, why are you showing us Photo's of Amy as a child".
Lou looks again then at Ty.
"These are not Photo's of Amy Ty, there Photo's of Your Daughter that Amy gave birth to 18 months ago. And unfortunately she's in the Foster Care System and shouldn't be."
Lou's eyes were wet ,tears running down her face, " Clint, where's Amy and why is my Niece in foster Care" .
"Lou, Ty , There was a bad accident 12 months ago,  oh, her name is Lyndy Marion Fleming Borden,  As I said there was a bad accident at the place Amy was working,  she was working with a very angry horse but she was finally getting through to the horse, when some know it all inspector turns up who has no horse experience at all dragging a horse behind him and let's it into the Corall where Amy is. The Horses start to fight knocking the inspector to the side and Amy and another girl are trying to keep them apart,  they get the one the inspector brought in to the gate and the staff take him, so Amy and the other girl start to climb the fence to get out of the way when he rears up, he's 17hh and as he comes down hits Amy in the back of the head and the other girl almost loses her arm from the shoulder down.
Amy's been in a Coma for 12 Months. I was handed this folder because they found out that Lyndy was registered in Canada, so Amy must of driven back over the border to have her registered here. But nobody bothered to follow it up and find out if she had family. As soon as I saw the Names and I checked Lyndys Birth Certificate and saw TYLER Borden as her Father and Amy Fleming as her mother I knew. "
"Where is Lyndy Clint".
"I take it you'll be looking after her then". Looking at Ty and Lou.
"We both will Clint"
Okay I'll go get the details.  Clint went out and Lou and Ty hugged and both started crying,  suddenly they heard a childs voice and looked round to see Clint stood there with Lyndy in his arms.

Lou and Ty signed papers taking over as Lyndys carers until Amy woke up hopefully , but Ty as her father automatically became her father legally.
Clint said he will be in touch with an address where Amy was and they as a family could take over as to her placement in a coma Hospital and a doctor.
Later that day Jack and Lisa walked in and could hear a child laughing,  when they got to the couch Jack stood there looking at Lyndy and seeing Amy.
Lou walked over and put her arms around Jack and said to him, "she looks like Amy doesn't she ".
"Yeah Lou, how is that possible "
"Say hello to your Great Granddaughter Grampa, Her name is Lyndy Marion Fleming Borden 18 months old.

To be continued

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