Chapter 11

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Chapter 11- FABTAW

Molly's P.O.V

"Did you do it?" Megan asked Lilly.

"Yeah!" Lilly smirked

"Right- Molly it's your turn"

"What do you want me to do?"

"Lilly has the list" Megan replied as we nodded before leaving the jail and going back to the others.

"So Molly are you going to?" Lilly started reading the list.

Niall - P.O.V

I woke up to Zayn shaking me.

"Stop Zayn- I feel sick" I whined.

"Tough, get up we have work in 10 minutes plus that's what you get for drinking" Zayn replied.

"Wait, what are you on about?" I questioned

"You went to the pub, and got bladdered!" Zayn snapped/

"No I didn't!"

"Whatever Niall-Just get up and get dressed" Zayn replied before leaving

I ran straight back to the toilet and started puking up.

I took five minutes for me to finish before getting dressed and going straight to the van.

"Hey bud- How you feeling?Sore?" Ash.

I decided to text back, he replied pretty quickly thank god.

"I'm good man, how are you?- was nice seeing you at the pub"

"Wait- I went to the pub?!"

"Yeah man! You only had one drink"

"The lads said I was totally wasted...?"

"No you came in with Lilly, ordered your one drink, went toilet- came back and then you went all funny so I told Josh to come and get you, you were beaten pretty hard by someone

"What the hell I can't remember anything!!"

"You sure? Because you only had one drink."

"Yeah!- I was sick this morning also, why haven't the lads said anything?! Surely they know about the fight?!"

"No- I covered you in make-up and told Josh not to mention anything. Meet me in town now- I'm taking you to hospital."

"What now?"

"Yeah- I'll tell the boys to come to the pub"

"Come on quick" Ash sadid rushing me into his car and speeding off.

(Skip car ride)

As soon as we got to the hospital, Ash went to the desk and spoke to someone before I was put in a hospital room

"Hello Niall, I'm nurse Molly- and I'll be looking after you" Molly grinned as I looked at her.


Molly was at the concert with Megan and Lilly.

."No,no,no- Keep away from me!!!" I screamed over and over and over again ...until I saw blackness.

Once I woke up all the boys were standing around my bed.

"Your finally awake" Liam smiled.

"No- Molly, please!" I panicked.

"Don't worry she wont be your nurse now."

"I'm so sorry Niall" Zayn cried before adding. " I Know who Molly is!" .

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