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Hey guys hope your well, love you all


Harry's point of view

"What's the date today" Niall asked

"12th April bud, why" I asked

"Because we are back at work today" Niall smiled

"Oh yeah" I replied before running upstairs and waking the others up

"Come on lazy monkeys, time to get up, we have work today" I shouted before going back downstairs to Niall

"So, we have 2 interviews and then rehearsal for our concert tomorrow" Niall explained as he read our schedule

"When are we on the tour bus" I questioned

"Tomorrow" Niall explained as the others came down

"Do we have to go back to work" Zayn moaned as Louis and Liam said morning to Niall and me

"Stop moaning and say good morning" Niall sassed

"Morning everyone" Zayn smiled

"Who wants breakfast" I asked as Niall's phone rang so he wheeled himself into the living room to answer it.

"Yeah, what you are making" Louis asked hugging me.

"Bacon sandwich" I smiled

"Niall doesn't want anything to eat" Zayn told me as he came in.

"Oh ok, who is he on the phone to" I asked

"Won't tell me at the moment" Zayn sighed

We were all sat eating when Niall came in smiling like a geek.

"Guess what" Niall questioned very hyper

"What" we all smiled

"The doctor spoke to Simon and Max and they all agreed I can have my surgery next week, but you lads still have to work" Niall told us as we all cheered

"Aww but I wanted to be there when you wake up" Zayn pouted

"We can speak to Paul when he arrives" Niall smiled

"That's great news though" I smiled as Niall constantly nodded his head

"Good morning" Paul chirped as he came into the kitchen

"Morning Paul" We all replied

"Ready to go" Paul asked before wheeling Niall away and us all following

'I hope this operation works for Niall' I thought to myself as I climbed into the van

"Who's happy to be back at work on this lovely Friday morning" Paul asked

"Really Paul" I laughed

"I'm not" Zayn sassed as we all laughed

'Trust Zayn' I thought

It took us an hour to arrive to the interview, but that hour went quick with Paul nagging at us constantly

"Morning Lads, my name is Emilia and I'll be interviewing you today" Emilia smiled as we got ready to start the interview.

"On in 3,2,1" One of the produces shouted

"Welcome back everyone, we have One Direction with us now, hello lads how are you all" Emilia asked

"We're all good thank you Emilia" Liam replied

"So, I hear tour starts back up tomorrow" Emilia suggested

"Yeah it is, and we can't wait" I replied

"How's things with you Niall, we hear the girl got sent down for what she did" Emilia spoke

"Yeah she did and I'm doing as well as I can" Niall smiled

"That's good, Zayn how are you all coping" Emilia asked

"We're coping good, everyone helps each other" Zayn replied

"Louis, can you tell us when your 9th album is out" Emilia asked

"7th September" Louis replied

"Okay that's it for today, we'll see you lads soon" Emilia smiled

"Bye" we all shouted before rushing out to the van

"Are we ready to leave" Paul asked

"Yes sir" I replied

The rest of the day went well.

Everyone apart from Niall was sitting in the living room waiting for dinner to arrive

"Is Niall asleep" I questioned

"Yeah, he seems to be sleeping a lot at the moment" Zayn spoke

"You also know he hasn't eaten properly since he left the hospital" Liam pointed out

"Yeah I noticed that" Zayn replied

" Hopefully this surgery will put him back to the Niall we know" Louis sighed

"One can only hope mate, it's down to him really" I replied truthfully

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