Chapter 5

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Hi guys, hope your all okay, much love


Niall's Point of view

"Good Morning boys" the doctor said as he came into the room

"Morning" Zayn yawned

"Morning" I groaned

"How you are feeling now" the doctor asked

"In a lot of pain" I replied because I was all down my back was in pain almost like someone had got a sharp knife and sliced my back with it.

"I'll get the nurse to bring some strong painkillers in but your temp pictures normal so if it stays like that and we get your pain under control and you promise you will take your antibiotics you can be looking at going home tomorrow" The Doctor replied

"That's good news" Zayn smiled

"Really" I questioned shocked at what I was hearing

"Yeah you're doing remarkably well" The doctor explained

"Ah wow thank you" I smiled

"you will need a wheelchair obviously, but we will sort That" the doctor explained

"OK" I spoke

I hate the idea of being in a wheelchair I thought to myself

"I'll be back later to see how you are, but I'll send the nurse in now" The doctor told us before leaving the room.

"What time is the boys coming" I asked Zayn as the nurse came in handing me my tablets which I took

"They are on their way now" Zayn replied before coming over and hugging me.

"Can't wait to get you home babe" Zayn happily told me as I laughed

"Nor can I but no naughty business for a while Mr" I giggled

"How dare you think I was putting it like that" Zayn pretended to be hurt

"You normally do babes" I laughed

"No, I don't honestly babe do you think I have a dirty mind" Zayn asked laughing

"yeah" I laughed just before the boys came into the room

"Morning love birds" Louis joked

"Morning you two" Liam smiled

"Morning" Harry spoke for the first time in ages

"Morning" Zayn and I laughed

"You two are very giggle this morning" Liam smiled

"Zayn's being dirty" I laughed

"Zayn how dare you be dirty to poor innocent Ni, we will need to smack your bum" Louis sassed making us all laugh

"All I said was I can't wait to get him home" Zayn replied

"Aww Zayn your gross" Harry whined

"What the doctor said he can come home tomorrow if he promises to take his antibiotics and they get his pain under control" Zayn explained

"That's great news bud" The others cheered even Harry

"Right who wants to get lunch" Liam questioned

"I'm going for a fag" Zayn told him

"Liam and I will go" Louis replied before leaving the room with Liam and Zayn

"So how are you" Harry asked

"I'm OK you" I questioned noticing Harry wasn't looking at me still

From a bump to a wheelchairWhere stories live. Discover now