Chapter 12

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How are you lovely people can't wait for 2022 got so much planned and been working on a lot of new stuff

Are you all ready for 2022


565 word count



“What do you mean?” Niall asked.

“Well I had to meet Lilly to clear the rumours up and Molly was there talking about Megan,” I explained, still crying.


“Hiya Zayn,” Lilly smiled.

“Hi Lilly can we go inside as fans are following me,” I asked as she nodded before leading me into the cold warehouse.

“lLilly, Megan wants to talk to you again,” said a girl with long brown hair, Lilly.

“Molly, tell her I’m busy for god’s sake,” Lilly replied as Molly nodded and left the room.

“So you know Megan then,” I sternly asked.

“Yeah I’m her dealer,” Lilly replied.

“Right so you lied about Niall kissing you then because of Megan,” I asked.

“Well kinda,” Lilly replied before I walked out the warehouse and went home.


“Why didn’t you tell me,” Niall questioned.

“Because you were at the pub,” I responded.

“Yeah because Lilly threatened me to go,” Niall shouted as the doctor came in.

“Argh Niall you're awake, so your friend brought you in thinking your drink was spiked and blood tests show he was correct,” The doctor explained.

“Yeah, which explains why you were confused and sick so we were giving you fluid to get rid of the drugs and the police will be called.” The doctor explained as Niall nodded.

“I’ll be back later,” the doctor smiled before leaving the room.

“Who did this?” I asked.

“Have a guess, Zayn, it’s not hard at all,” Niall spat.

“Lilly,” I guessed as Niall nodded.

“What the hell, Niall why meet her if you knew who she was,” Louis shouted before storming

“It does seem like your encouraging trouble,” Harry pointed out before going after Louis.

“It’s coming across that you are loving the attention,” Liam spat as well before running off.

“I better go after him,” I told Niall and then went after Liam.

“Here Li, have a fag and talk to me,” I told him as I gave him a fag, we didn’t know where Louis and Harry was but to be fair we didn’t mind because we they was safe.

“Why did he meet her Zee, he knew she was working with Megan, he was quick enough to freak out about Molly.” Liam questioned.

“I’m not sure Li, but I will be talking to him when we are not being watched and I know what you mean.” I replied.

We just stood there speaking for an hour before Louis and Liam came rushing out.

“Niall’s not in the room,” Harry puffed as he catches his breath.

“Doctor may have taken him somewhere,” I questioned.

“No I already asked,” Louis rushed out.

“We’ll look outside and you two look inside,” I ordered before running off.

“Where do you think he is?” Liam asked.

“I’m not sure,” I replied.

We kept on looking until we found him on the roof.

“Call Louis and tell him we found him,” I ordered Liam.

“Babe please don’t jump, you're worth so much more,” I shouted as Niall looked at me crying.

“Louis is going up with the doctor,” Liam told me.

“Niall please just come down, we can talk about this,”I begged.

“I’m sorry,” Niall cried.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2021 ⏰

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