Chapter 2

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Not feeling to great tonight feel sick mostlywhrn I close my eyes to sleep, hope ur all ok much love



When Niall told us he couldn’t feel his legs, we all froze in panic

“What’s going to happen doc” I asked as the doctor put a mask on Niall which put him to sleep.

“At the moment I don’t know, he might need surgery but i’m going to take him for more tests and then I’ll have more on what to do” The doctor replied before wheeling Niall off.

“Do you guys think he’ll be ok” I asked

“Don’t know to be honest Zee” Liam sadly replied

“What do you think Louis” I asked Louis

“To be fair bud no one knows what’s going to happen” Louis replied

“I want him to be okay” I shouted before going outside for a fag.

“Zayn, you ok” Liam asked as he came out the hospital

“Yeah I’m grand not like my boyfriends in the hospital” I replied as I took a drag of my fag.

“Woah no need to bite my head off” Liam snapped as he looked at me.

“Why did you come out for” I asked

“Because they have brought Niall back and he’s asking for you” Liam told me as I nodded as I finished my fag and went back in to Niall.

“Zee” Niall shouted as I hugged him.

“Hi baby” I smiled as we all sat there talking for a while before the doctor came in.

“So I’ve run a lot of tests and spoke to my boss and you will need surgery to walk again but we won’t be able to do it yet because you have fluid around your spine which we have to operate on that” The doctor explained

“So when is he having the first surgery” Louis asked

“We’re aiming to do it tomorrow as the police wants to talk to Niall” The doctor replied as we all nodded.

“I’ll be back later to check on you” The doctor smiled before leaving and letting the police in.

“Hi mr Horan, how are you feeling” The policeman asked

“Sore” Niall replied

“We came to tell you that security called the girls mum and we went round and arrested her, her name is Megan and is staying in prison until you two go court as it was attempted murder” The policeman explained to us as Niall started crying which I think was relif.

“So when do they go court” I asked

“When he’s out of hospital” The police replied

“Ok, do we have to call you” I asked again

“No Niall’s doctor is going to call us” The officer replied

“Do you have any questions Niall” The officer

“No” Niall cried before adding

“Thank you so much”

“No need to thank us, we’re just doing our job” The officer smiled before adding

“We’ll see you soon Niall” Before leaving the room

“How you feeling Niall” Liam asked

“I don’t know, shocked, in pain, basically all over the place” Niall replied as I hugged him

“You will be ok, we’re all in this together” I reasured him whilew holding him tight

“Do you want a drink” Louis asked

“I don’t know what I want at the moment” Niall cried

“Babe calm down, everything is going to be ok” I firmly told him

“Lou can you pass him a drink please” I asked

It took us 10 minutes to calm Niall down but he was finally calm.

“Harry and I are going to go and get food and clothes for everyone” Louis announced.

“Can you bring my blanket and Pillow” Niall asked which Louis agreed to and left with Harry following

“Does Harry hate me as he won’t look or speak to me” Niall asked after sitting there quietly for five minutes

“Don’t know babe I’ll speak to him” I replied

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