Chapter one

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Hope you guys enjoy this new book a lot of drama in it enjoy, love you all xx


All the boys were at the wembley arena rehearsing for their gig at the night time, they were getting ready to start singing midnight memories when all of a sudden one of the roadies accidently tripped over and dropped one of the thick cable rolls, which started rolling over the stage.

The roadie shouted to the lads

“watch out” but the lads didn’t hear him because they was busy singing. Niall was walking backwards for part of the routine they were trying out and tripped over the cable roll and ended up bumping his head. The lads all came rushing over to Niall to check he was okay.

“Are you ok mate, are you hurt.” Liam asked

“I’m okay just bumped my head but it’s okay, don’t worry no broken bones just a bruised ego” Niall laughed

“Don’t be silly, there is nothing to be embarrassed about, as long as you're alright that’s all that matters” Harry smiled

The lads helped Niall up.

“Come on let’s get on with rehearsals, we’ve on stage in four hours” Niall smiled.

“Are you sure your ok buddy, if you need a break you can have one” Louis offered but Niall kindly declined.

Zayn had just come back from the toilet and was unaware of the situation until he saw Niall.

“What’s happened? Niall you look like you’ve just seen a ghost” Zayn asked

“I’m fine” Niall told him before the rest of the boys told Zayn what had happened. Zayn was shocked and went off to find the roadie, even though Niall told him not to make a fuss because it was an accident.

The boys finished rehearsals and went backstage to relax and have something to eat while they were eating Harry broke the silence after studying Niall for 10 minutes.

“Are you sure you’re ok Niall, your awfully pale” Harry asked Niall

“I’m ok mate, just have a bit of a headache, i’ll take some tablets and i’ll be alright” Niall convinced Harry as he nodded.


I know I should tell the boys about my head killing me but I can’t be bothered with them fussing over me and plus I don’t want to let the fans down.

“Lads you have 10 minutes for hair and wardrobes” Paul announced before Lou and Paisley came in giving their orders out.

“Niall and Zayn you're with me and Harry, Louis and Liam your with Lou” Paisley told us as we all stood up which was a bad idea for me as I stumbled with dizziness luckily no one saw.

“What do you want to wear today Niall” Paisley asked me as I looked at all my clothes and then thought about the weather.

“Vest and shorts” I replied as Paisley nodded before giving me my clothes and then turning to Zayn while I got dressed.

“Right you two go to Lou while I get ready for the trouble makers” Paisley laughed before we walked out the room.

“Babe you sure your okay” Zayn asked bas he stopped me from going into Lou’s room

“Yes hun, i’m good” I lied to him which I think he knew but didn’t push it.

“I love you babe” Zayn smiled as he hugged me

“I love you too” I replied hugging him back before going into Lou

“Aww there is the two angels” Lou smiled before adding

“Who's going first”

“Niall” Zayn smiled as I sat on the chair, letting Lou pull at my hair.

10 minutes had gone and we was about to go on stage.

“Ready to go” Zayn smiled as I nodded before we all ran on stage.

It was an hour in when it happened one minute I was singing the next I saw blackness.

When I woke up I was in a hospital bed with the boys around me.

“What happened” I asked

“Some fan threw a phone and it hit you in the head which made you fall down the slope and pass out so we brought you here” Liam told me as I nodded before the doctor came in.

“Argh mr Horan your awake” The doctor smiled as he checked the monitors I was hooked up too.

“You have concussion but that’s all we can see at the moment on your head but your back is a different story, we’re getting another doctor to look at the scan but it’s not looking good” The doctor explained

“What do you mean” I asked

“It looks like you slipped a disc in your back and you might have fluid on it, can you wiggle your toes” The doctor asked

I tried so hard to wiggle my toes but I couldn’t, I couldn’t move my legs at all.

“I Can't move my legs at all, what’s happening why can’t I move my legs” I panicked as the doctor asked the nurse to call someone down urgently and the boys just looked at me scared. Next thing I know I was given a mask which put me to sleep.

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