Chapter 4

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"what’s wrong doc, is Niall ok” I asked as Paul stood there

“Niall’s fine we just have to watch him because he spiked a temperature while we was operating but he’s finished his surgery we are going to give him antibiotics for a week” The doctor explained

“When will he be back in the room” Paul asked

“We’re bringing his bed back in now and then he’ll be in 10 minutes when we bring him round” the doctor replied before Paul left and the nurse brought the bed in.

“When do you think he’ll be home and when is his next surgery” I questioned

“In a week maybe sooner for him to go home and in 6 months he will have the other surgery” The doctor explained again.

“Ok so he’ll be in a wheelchair until then” I replied as Liam came in.

“Yeah, we’ll talk more when Nialls awake” The doctor told us before leaving

“Hey mate,what’s Paul doing here” Liam asked as h put the fitted sheet on Niall’s bed and then put a new quilt on a long with Niall’s blanket and a new blanket plus his pillow and a new teddy.

“To sort them two out and woah man I didn’t expect all this for him” I smiled at him  

“Arghh okay and I got you a blow up bed and a pillow, quilt, blanket and a little coffee machine” Liam smiled as he got all my stuff out and setted it all up.

“Thank you so much” I smiled so I helped him

“Hi guys” Niall smiled as he was wheeled in.

“Hi baby how are you” I asked

“Sore” Niall replied before being moved onto his bed.

“The anesthetic hasn’t worn off yet but when it does he will be in a lot of pain” The nurse told us as she hooked Niall up to machines before leaving

“Where is Harry and Louis” Niall asked

“Just getting a drink” I told him as I hinted to Liam to send Paul a text to bring drinks.

“I love this bed,it’s so soft” Niall smiled

“That’s because I went and brought you a fluffy bedding to keep you warm” Liam told him

“Eat your pizza before it goes cold” I told him handing him his pizza

We sat there in peace eating our pizza when Louis, Harry and Paul came into the room.

“PAUL” Niall shouted with a mouth full of pizza.

“Hey lil man, how are you” Paul asked as he grabbed his pizza.

“I ain’t little and i’m ok just tired, what about you” Niall replied

“I’m okay bud and you go asleep then” Paul told him as Niall nodded, handing me his empty pizza box and started falling asleep.

“Harry why won’t you speak or look at Niall” I questioned once Niall was fully asleep

“Because I don’t like seeing him disabled” Harry replied

“Nor do I but I don’t ignore him and not even look at him” I raised my voice

“Everyone’s different Zayn not everyone smokes like you” Harry replied

“Your pathetic Harry, you need to learn how to cope with stuff” I shouted

“Whatever Zayn” Harry snapped before Paul grabbed Harry and took him outside.

“I’m sorry for the way Harry was Zee” Louis apologised

“It’s not your fault apart from getting him drunk” I laughed

“Yeah i’m sorry about that bud” Louis apologised

“Your allowed to drink mate, I can’t stop you” I told Louis before changing the subject.

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