9. The sound of the waves.

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We stayed there just looking at each other for a few seconds.

I couldn't believe it. 


My first ever love.

She was here.

"Alison" I said again. "What are you doing here?"

"Hero?" she laughed. "Is it actually you?"

She pinched my arm and I yelped. 

"Yes it's me. Ouch" I said grabbing my arm.

She laughed again and my heart smiled. Even though things didn't end up great between us I was so greatful I was able to listen to her after all those years.

"This is unbelievable" she said again and hugged me. I hugged her back and when we pulled away she looked at me suspiciously.

"Hey, don't tell me you can actually hear what I'm saying. You talk now"

I laughed at her and then I leaned in to show her the buds in my ears.

She screamed. Literally.

"Oh my God, you did it you bitch! Congrats. I can't believe you can actually hear the world now. The beach must be your favorite place now. I remember how much you loved looking at the waves." she said.

I thought about it for a second. "Actually, I haven't been to the beach since I started hearing" I confessed and she gasped.

"What? Seriously? Then we need to go right now! I don't have anything else to do. Do you? No. That's great." she grabbed my hand and started running.

Alison. She's always been like this. I guess nothing has changed.

Before I could even see the water I could hear a sound coming from the sea. The sound of the waves crashing on the shore. When we went closer and I actually saw them as well I gasped.

"I can't believe this" 

This felt so unreal I immediately got tears in my eyes. Is this actually happenning? I can finally hear the waves. I couldn't even describe the sound. It was something that felt like piece and storm at the same time.

"Pretty cool, right?" Alison smiled at me. 

We walked at the sandy beach for a while and I just couldn't take my eyes off the sea. We sat down on a rock and I just closed my eyes trying to take in every sound as much as possible.

The sound of the waves made me want to sleep. I could also hear children's voices and laugh. I heard dogs barking and bird's chirping. I could even hear the wind going through the leaves.

And suddenly Jo was next to me.

"I told you you'd be able to hear them didn't I tell you?" she smiled at me and that angelic voice of hers consumed my brain.

It felt like we were back in London at that small beach in the middle of winter cuddling each other. 

I just stared at her unable to take my eyes off her. She was just beautiful and angelic and all I wanted to do was to place my head on her neck and forget everything as she told me that she loved me and everything would be alright between us.

She was it for me.

But I wasn't that for her.

"So, what are you doing in Australia?" Alison's voice woke me up from my daze. When I opened my eyes Jo dissapeared.


"What are you doing in Australia, Hero? I thought you could hear now" she laughed.

"I came to visit someone" I answered truthfully.

The Sound of a Heartbreak. (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now