5. "All I want to hear is your damn voice"

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"I think I'm going back home soon" I tossed Jo the paper and looked back at the peaceful waves. We were at the beach once again, hanging out.

"What?" She exclaimed reading the note. "Why? Can't you stay a little bit longer?"

I shrugged. I really didn't know how to answer her. I just didn't want to be there anymore.


"Yeah" I lied.

"It's been only a week. I didn't get enough of you yet!"

I looked away. 

"I shouldn't have let you go" I whispered slowly.

"You still came back" she touched my shoulder. "And now..."

"And now what?" I snapped. "I can't save you. I can't save you like Kate saved Matt" my thoughts immediately ran to Cameron. "Because you're already saved" 

I looked away again.

She didn't say anything, which just confirmed my thoughts. I needed to get out of there, as soon as possible. I couldn't stand this anymore. 

After a while of both of us just looking at the sea, she tapped my shoulder. "Have you read this?" she signed.

She was holding a book in her hand. I read the title. A Court of Thornes and Roses.

I shook my head.

She gave me the book. "Read it" I slowly took it. "To me" she continued.

I gave her a weird look. "I can barely talk. I'm not going to read a whole ass book out loud" I signed.

"Of course you are" she gave me a heart warming smile and I felt my pulse getting quicker. With a sift movement she laid her head on my lap and spead her body on the sand and looked at me. I looked down on her. She was biting her lip and her gaze was so encouraging. 

I leaned in closer, something inside me telling me that it was time to kiss her. But as soon as I realized what I was doing, I pulled back again clearing my throat.

"Come on. Read"

I took a deep breath and opened the book. 

"For Josh" it was the authors tribute at the beggining like most books have. But even though, the author had writter the book for someone named Josh, I could see his name crossed out with a black marker and the word Hero, with a messy handwritting was writen.

"It doesn't say for Josh. Read it again" she demanded.

"It doesn't say for Hero, either" I glared at her.

"Yes it does. Now read it again" she laughed that beautiful laugh of hers that I dreamt about hearing every night.

"For Hero" I corrected rolling my eyes. "Because you would go Under the Mountain for me. I love you" My voice probably faded at the end, because I was so confused. I looked at her with a questioning look.

She was blushing. She was actually blushing and I couldn't help but smile at her cute face.

"Chapter 1. The forest had become a labirynth of snow and ice..." I read and continued reading until the first and the second chapter were over. That's when she stopped me. 

"You need to work on your r's" she said. It wasn't mean or anything. I could see in her eyes that she actually wanted to help me.

"Try to roll your r" she said and probably did it herself but of course I couldn't hear it. I nodded and tried it.

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