3. The little boy and the waves.

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They guy stopped as soon as he saw, staring at me with a suspicious look.

"Who's this?" He said to Jo.

Jo went to his side. He grabbed his hand and immediately all the air left my body. She whispered something to him and his eyes widened. Then he looked at me and smiled.

"Hero" he signed. He motherfucking signed. "It's so nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much about you" he continued signing. Then he gave me his hand. I hesitantly shook it. His grip was stronger than I expected and I found myself wincing. 

I looked at him with a questioning look. "Hero" Jo signed. "This is Cameron. My husband"

I gulped. I hope it was visible but I couldn't help it. I pressed my lips together not really knowing what I was supposed to do. 

In the end I raised my hand and waved awkwardly.

"So, how come you are here? Don't you live in England or something?" Cameron signed again.

Even though I was really comfortable using my voice the past few years, this guy only with his presence made me insecure. He was muscular, unlike me, and his face just radiated confidence which made me feel like a small ant he could definitely step on.

"I came here to visit" I signed back afraid to talk.

He came closer and patted my back. I flinched.

"That's amazing. You gonna stay for dinner?" 

I looked at Jo for approval. I didn't even know if I wanted to stay. Jo gave me a small smile and nodded. "If you want" she mouthed.

I nodded back. 

She looked so fucking beautiful, better than I remembered her. I wanted to hug her, burry my head in on her neck. I wanted to kiss her. But of course I couldn't.

She was fucking married!

Cameron helped Jo with the store for the rest of the day and I just sat in a corner and looked at them. 

I was late.

I came late and now she's gone.

I felt my eyes getting watery when a small tap on my hand interrupted me. 

"Hey" it was Summer. She looked so much like her mom, beautiful and sweet with the right amount of sarcasm.

I just smiled at her.

"You look sad. Do you want to listen to music with me? Music always helps me when I'm sad. Oh, and chocolate chip cookies. But mom says that I can't eat too much because they aren't very healthy" she rambled and it was hard for me to understand every single word the was coming from her mouth, obviously because I couldn't hear her.

"Anyway" she turned to me and offered me one heardphone, while she put the other on her ear.

As pathetic as it sounds, I almost started crying right there, at that exact moment.

How do you explain to a little kid that you can't listen to music? That you've never listened to it?

But instead of saying anything, I took the headphone and put it in my ear. I immediately felt the vibrations of an obviously upbeat song. Summer sat next to me, probably singing to the song because I could see her mouth moving. 

Ten years ago, I loved listening to music, at least pretending to listen to music. When Jo came, listening to music with her was one of my favorite things to do. After she left it just didn't feel right to do so without her. 

The Sound of a Heartbreak. (BOOK 2)Where stories live. Discover now