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For the longest, Belinda was lost in her thoughts. Her mother's voice broke her out of it. Belinda whirled around and rushed to her parents' side to be enveloped in their warm hug.  

When she pulled away the moment she noticed her father winced in pain, she let out a sob. "I'm so sorry—this is my fault."

He held a hand against his laceration just below his ribs. "This is not your fault."

"I shouldn't have come—they came here—"

"I don't think they knew you were coming—there is no way they could have," the police chief said as she pondered something.

Keisha ran inside and hugged Belinda. "Im so glad you're all okay—I'm so sorry for over reacting."

"You had every right to be mad at me—I should have told you when I found out...I'm so sorry."

Minutes later, Belinda sat at the waiting room accompanied by Keisha. When the doctor came, Belinda stood and was more than glad when he told her that her parents would be okay.

When she walked into her father's room, she wasn't surprised to find her mother there. "Mom, you should be resting in your room."

"I'm fine."

Her father stood, not listening to her mother to remain in bed until the wounds healed. "I hate hospitals—I'm going home."

"Why did you two lie to me?" They both glanced at her. "There were no lied."

"Zaeley did ask us if we wanted guards...but we rejected the offer," her father admitted.

"Why? How did the other vampire even get into our home without an invitation?"

"It's obvious they used glamour to take the appearance of people we trusted blindly," Belinda's mother said, pain evident in her voice. "We shouldn't have been so—"

"Don't," her father began. "We couldn't have predicted this. Besides," he paused smiling. "Now they will think twice before messing with our family."

Belinda couldn't help but smile before hugging him. As her mother stepped closer, she raised her hand so Belinda could see the bracelet. She took it and put it on.

Her father and mother, against the wishes of the doctor, decided to leave the hospital. Of course, before they did, the doctor checked Belinda to make sure she was okay.

Everyone had been astonished she didn't need a blood transfusion.

When they arrived at her home, Belinda halted. A tall man stood beside Corina in front of the balcony of the house. The male turned leaving Belinda speechless at the similarities between Fane and him.

He was like an older version of her beloved.

"Belinda," Corina began. "This is Grayson...The vampire King."

When he extended his hand out toward her, she shook it, but said nothing. Corina headed inside with Belinda's mother. Her father shot a warning look at Grayson before smiling at her. "Don't take too long."

"Why didn't Fane come?" When he didn't answer her, her heart ached. "Please tell me that he is okay."

He smiled. "After speaking to my son, I'm happy to see that he was wrong and you do care for him. Perhaps, you should stop pretending not to. If you don't, when you realize your mistake, you will have pushed him away from you."

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