Chapter Three: New Hope

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Sokka stared at the wide expanse of water that flew by beneath them. Appa's jumbled reflection covered the expanse in his line of sight. He hadn't seen such a vast amount of water since the last time he traveled to the Earth Kingdom, and he didn't want to remember that trip ever again. He hadn't left the tribes' main village in weeks, traveling solely between his home, the local market and the council at the main hall. He hated how people looked at him and acted around him now. Now that they all know. Now he was alone again. Now that she was gone forever. 

He remembered the burial. All green, red and gold; in memory of a leading Kyoshi Warrior. He had stood between his father and Katara, tears streaming down his face as the music played, the speeches sounded and the fire was lit. He had cursed Avatar Kyoshi for not protecting her. He had cursed the other warriors for letting her go off alone. He cursed himself  for not being there to protect her. He cursed himself for not making the most out of the last time her saw her. He missed her. 

It had taken Katara, Aang, his father and the literal begging in his letter from Zuko to convince him to return to the Earth Kingdom. 

He clutched tightly to his plans for Republic City. Even though Aang and Zuko were the main organizers, creators and all around faces of the project, Sokka had been asked to help design and structure the city. It was an honor. But nothing seemed to matter to him anymore. Still, he was excited to see Zuko and Toph again. It had been so long since the whole Gaang had gotten together again. Zuko was the only person who really seemed to understand what Sokka was feeling at the moment anyway. They communicated through private letters on the side of their planning and had become much closer since Su-her death. Sokka needed his friendly face right now. 


When Appa landed on the ground, Sokka couldn't help being impressed. There rose the partly constructed Air Temple Island; a winding white path leading to the tall white tower with blue and gold accents at the heart of the island lay before him. He could see the beginnings of multiple blue and white training and ceremonial buildings, as well as a large courtyard filled with an amphitheater and the beginnings of a training area. Sokka marveled at how closely it resembled Aang's original design. Aang too seemed impressed. 

"They've added so much since I was last on site!" he exclaimed. Katara stared with her mouth hanging open. Sokka realized that she had never actually visited the island before, or the city itself for that matter.

"An Air Temple?" she wondered. Aang blushed slightly. "It's a beautiful way to honor the culture Aang!" she added quickly, "I just wondered why it was so far away from the actual city."

"Well, I hoped the Air Acolytes could embrace the ideals of the Air Nomads - cutting themselves off from the world and all its possessions -  whilst also not feeling as if they are completely alone." Katara smiled up him with complete adoration. They both lent in and their lips met for a kiss. Sokka was disgusted.

"Ugh! Oogies!" he complained. Katara pulled away and rolled her eyes. Aang just rubbed his nech sheepishly but he could tell they were both secretly happy he was actually starting to talk, after spending the whole trip sitting in sad silence. Sokka held up the plans he had been holding onto and gestured towards the large construction site across the water. "I do believe that the Fire Lord and a certain Bending Master are waiting for us and our support."


 Toph was waiting for them. She stood arguing with a Fire Nation construction worker but shut him up by pushing him to the ground when they landed.

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