Not Now

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Zoe's POV
I woke up the happiest I've felt since the first incident with Jack and Finn. I feel safe now, now that Jack can't hurt me anymore, I'm going to marry Alfie Deyes, and that everyone around me is so supporting me.
I hear Alfie's heavy breathing next to me and I roll over to face him. he's laid on his back I place me head on his chest and snake my arms around his torso. He starts to stroke my hair I look up to see if he is awake, he wasn't he was sleeping. I never wanted to move to move but I knew I had to at some point I checked the time on my phone 9:45 I decided to get up and go get us both some breakfast.
As in only nipping to slice Sussex to get a takeaway I just wear my leggings and a old t-shirt, as usual I apply a lot of foundation and concealer to cover the marks, I write Alfie a quick note in case he wakes up while I'm gone. it just says I've gone to get food and not to have any breakfast.
I walk out the house we share and immediately feel anxious for no reason I walk to the small cafe with my head down. when I bump into someone all I want to do is scuttle away burning ow I can't do that.
"Sorry, I'm so sorry I want looking where I was going it's all my fault"
"Zoe is that you."
I look up to see Finn stood there staring at me, because I'm so small he towers above me, all I want to do is run but as I start to move he grabs my wrist and drags me somewhere. I just start to cry not even catering what people thought. All I wanted was for this torture to end but obviously that was to much to ask, before I Knew I was thrown in a car. I tried to put on a seat belt but the was nothing there so I just had to hope.
I was so scared what if Alfie thought I left him.
"Finn where are you taking me." I tried to scream but it came out as a whisper.
What I did to jack, he came in and. Attacked me. I just kept silent for the rest of the journey but I did feel a single tear roll down me cheek. After about 40 minuets of driving the car stopped I didn't want to look up and see where I was, again I was dragged out the car and up a flight of stairs. then I knew where we were, he has brought me to his flat. The one he used to share with Jack. I was shoved against a wall when we got in Finn pulled up my face so I was looking at him and he just spat in my face. Grabbed my arm above me head and kicked me knee so it buckled, but I didn't fall because he was holding my arm, it was one of the worst pains I've ever felt. then what scared me most was the sharp kitchen knife he got. I felt tears start to cascade down my face as he brought the knee closed and closer to me, it all went in slow motion him bringing to knife to my face and creating a cut on my left cheek. I felt like nothing in that moment there was nothing I could do to help myself Alfie must be worried sick, I stated to cry more and more.
"JUST SHUT UP YOU BITCH." Finn yelled before kicking me in the stomach.
Alfie POV
I woke up alone I stated to wonder why Zoe was not next to me, I rolled
Out of bed and saw a note on the kitchen table, it read
Hey Alf if I'm not here I've just popped out.
Ps don't eat. Seruously
Love Zoe
Ps (again) love you Alfie
I bet she has gone to get us breakfast. he said I couldn't eat anything but she said nothing about having a drink I got up to grab a coffee. I looked at the time
I sat and watched some YouTube videos to pass the time until Zoe got home.
She'll be home soon she might have only just gone when I woke up, I out in the TV and put on my guilty pleasure The Jeremy Kyle Show I hate it but I love it at the same time.
Okay she's been at least an hour and a half now I start to worry. I call her phone but she left it here, a tear rolls down my face. what if she left me, what if she got into an accident. ALFIE STOP I get dressed and out in some shoes to go look around Brighton for her. I search for about 30 minutes before I give up, I walk on the pier find a bench and bring m knees to my face and cry.
Zoe's POV
I'm still here trapped at Finns apartment he's on the phone I'm sat in the kitchen backed against a wall because I'm to scared to move anywhere.
"Okay bye mate...... Jack mate your going to get out."
Oh god he's in the phone to Jack.
He walks forward, to words me.
"Jack sent this"
And then I get another kick but this time in the face and then a punch in the same place. the pain is unbearable. all I want is Alfie me knight in shining armour to come and save the day.
I run out as fast as I could and see the outside. I don't have a clue where I am all I hope is that I have some concealer in my bag and thank god I do, I quickly put it all over the new an old bruises, marks and cuts and then I hear a sinister whisper in my ear.
"Oh yes Zoe don't speak a word of this to anyone or I will kill you, and you know I will." and then he pinched my neck I turned around and he was walking back into the building. I had no clue where to go or what to do, I couldn't call Alfie because he'd know something was up. all I could think of was call a taxi I had my debit card so I could pay and I had some change in my pocket, I walked up to the nearest phone booth and called for a taxi I saw a sign that said the name of the estate and they sent a car. I was stood waiting about 20 minutes before my taxi came, I gave the address of my house. There was no speaking the whole journey, my ordeal was just playing through numerous times in my head, we arrived home I paid on the card an ran upstairs hoping Alfie would be there, he wasn't I picked up my phone and called him.
"Alfie where are you"
"Zoe I could say the same thing." he sounded angry.
"I can't tell you."
"I just can't"
"I just can't tell you Alfie." I start to sob
"No Alfie please!" I start to cry even more
"Tell me where you went then." I just stayed silent I knew I couldn't tell him
"I thought so." and then he just hung up.
I stated to sob, and sob. before I knew it Alfie was home.
"Alfie please"
"No Zoe if you can't trust me an won't tell me I just can't stay with you."
I start to cry more he looks me in the eyes
"Zoe what happened to you"
I run to the bathroom and lock the door, looking in the mirror shows hat all the Makeup has come off and you can see and the cuts and bruises.
"Zoe open the door.
Zoe please."
I don't, just lay in the empty bath crying.
Alfie shouts once more and as I still haven't responded he grabs a penny and picks the lock. I keep my head down trying not to cry.
"Zoe is this what you couldn't tell me."
I nod my head.
"What happened."
I shake it.
I takes two fingers and pulls up my
Chin so I'm liking him in the eye.
Alfie's POV
I feel so bad for yelling now, she obviously didn't want to tell me what happened and she still won't. I ask again she shakes her head, sheds a tear and runs into our room. This door is to hard to open so I just sit outside I dot care how long it takes she's going to tell me. I talk to her though the door after about an hour or so I hear it unlock I walk in.
"Zoe what happened please tell me."
She takes a deep breath.
"Well I was walking to get us breakfast my head was down an I wasn't looking where I was going, I bumped into Finn, he through me in his car and drove me to his flat. when we first got there he pushed me up against his wall and spat in my face..." she started to sob I held her to calm her down.
" Then he pulled my hand up above my head and liked my knee so it would
Buckle I didn't fall because he had my arm it hurt so much, He let my go an fall to the floor, he got a knife a sharp one..." then I notice the open cut in her face and start to cry"... and he cut my face. I started to cry and then he kicked my stomach. then he called Jack he left me in the kitchen crying on the floor. then he walked back in and kicked my face then punched in the same ace saying that it was from Jack. Im sorry I didn't tell you but he said he would kill me if I did and I know what he's capable of." she was sobbing and so was I
"I'm so sorry Zoe I shouldn't have yelled and said I was leaving you. I love to bits Zoe your my rock, your the sun to my moon, your the cream to my Oreo but most of all you my best fried true love and my beautiful fiancée." she stared to cry more but I knew these were happy tears she hugged me tighter than ever before. then she kissed me, it was an amazing kiss it lasted for what felt like years and in that moment we forgot about everything, Jack, Finn, her mum it was just us in this universe and that's all I need.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter it took me ages to write an I must say its one of my favourite chapters.
Thanks so much for 1.12k reads that's amazing I never thought so many people would read my story your all amazing
See you soon!!!!

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