Telling our families

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Zoe's POV
I am still in shock from what Alfie said last night. I don't know if he was planning to ask me tonight or if it was just a spring of the moment thing because I was upset.
I'm laid in bed with my eyes shut kit waiting to hear some noise but it is all silent so I roll over to see if Alfie's awake it he's not there so I get out and shuffle to the spare room. I knock on the door but there's no answer so I open the door to see if Poppy's on there but she's not. I walk downstairs and I see a trail of little tea lights. Alfie is such a little romantic but in sure Pop helped Him with it. I follow the candelas. until I get to the kitchen counter and there a note from Alfie it reads
Grab your car keys get into your car I have put a postcode Into your sat nav get it out of the glove compartment ( it's on) and follow it.
In still in my pjs so I defied I get dressed first and put on a small amount of makeup.
I follow my satnav for about 10 minutes and I turn up at this little square in the middle of Brighton I locked my car and jumped out seeing Alfie stood there k ran towards him and hugged him. "what all this about Alfie" I ask
"Can't I surprise the most beautiful girl in the world without being questioned !?" I start to blush
"Well Zoe lets go for a walk down the pier for a bit before we go and tell our families about the engagement!"
"Yes Alfie that would be wonderful!"
We walk down the pier for about an hour before getting ini my car and driving to Alfie's mums.
I don't know if she was expecting us she seemed very excited to see us. after about 40 minutes of chanting Alfie stood up and said "Mum, Dad me and Zoe to tell you. Last night Zoe made me the happiest man on earth by saying that she would happily marry me!" all alfies family seem really hppy about our engament. lets just hope that my family feel the same!

Could I be anymore wrong!

I had called my mum asking her to go round to my dads as I had some massive news then called my dad and asked him if my mum could come round. We arrivd I had also checked Joe would be there and he was. my dad made us all drinks after I finished mine I nervously stood up and shushed everyone. my heart was beating out my chest but I plucked up the courage and said " Mum, Dad, Joe we have something to tell you. Last night Alfie asked me to marry him and I said yes!" I said the whole thing without breathing wanting to see their reaction my Dad and Joe looked thrilled but then I looked over to my mum she didn't seem happy. " well?" I stutter "WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH YOUR LIFE ZOE! YOU STUPID COW YOUR TOO YOUNG TO GET MARRIED. GIRL IF YOU GO THROUGH WITH IT NEVER SPEAK TO ME AGAIN YOU SLUT!" My mum yelled straight in ym face I ran out of my childhood house sobbing the words my mum said replaying in me head a thusand times. I ran to my little spot in our local park where I went so many times in my childhood when things got too much especially when my anxiaty was starting to develop." stupid cow, I'll never speak to you again, slut, stupid cow." that was all that was going throuh my brain for at least 15 minutes before I heard alfies soft voice saying " zoe, little one where are you?" between sobs I manage to call his name he came runing up to me.

Alfies POV

I cant belive Zoes mum how could she say that. I found Zoe she had masscara all down her face and red puffy eyes. she was sat in a little park with her knees up at her chin sobbing. I run up to her and put my arm arround her. whisper comeferting words into her ear. when she put her knees down and lifted her head up in a calm vice I just whisperd "Zoe do you still want to marry me?" se looks at me stunned " of couse I do who cares what my mum says if she says something like that she doesnt deserve to be in my life. I need you Alfie." those words brought a huge smile to my face. I leaned my head towards her and closed my eyes and she did the same our lips collided and it was the best kiss of my life. I picked her up bridal style and carried her back to her dads. I put her down outside not to offend anyone she walked in before me.
Zoe's POV
I walked in the house to see my mum still there I backed into Alfie and held him. "Look Zoe I'm so sorry for what I said. I didn't mean a word of what I said I was in shock please forgive me!"
"No mum you said what you said and you can't take it back."
I managed to reply between cries. "fine be that way you little Slut!! JACK WAS RIGHT YOU ARE A STUPID BITCH!!"
My mum yelled back in my face.
"GET OUT RIGHT NOW TRACEY!!" my dad yelled before pulling me into a hug. Joe walked after her and slammed the door shut and locked it to keep her out. "Zoe me and dad are so happy they you and Alfie are getting married!" Joe said to me I just looked at him "I'm so sorry!"
"What Zoe why?!"
"What if mum stops speaking to you too!"
"Zoe after that I don't want her in my life even if she did try and come back!"
"Okay thank you."
I gave Joe a massive hug.
My dad made us all hot chocolate and put on my favourite film "love actually"
Alfie's PoV
Half way through the film Zoe fell asleep on my shoulder she still hadn't woken up by the end of the film. I carried her up to her old room and we both snuggled up into bed.

Crying myself to sleep. A zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now