Fadeing Away

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Alfie's POV
I was married to the most beautiful girl in the world my Zoe. everyone was here now we were all sat in the room,appart from Louise Matt and Darcy. Matt and Louise decided to try and explain to Darcy that Auntie Zoe was dieing. all of a sudden in came Darcy running to Zoe
"Please don't die chummy please your not allowed" she cried. I lifted her on to the bed so she could cuddle with Zoe, Zoe was in tears along with everyone else in the room, I guess Louise and Matt explained it to her.
I climbed in the other side of the be and we all cuddled not a word was spoken but nothing needed to be said. we all knew what was going on. she was fading away. our Zoe that we all loved what did we ever do to deserve this. Nothing. I don't know how I'll carry on without her. I can't even think about it.
no more Zalfie collabs or sofa cuddles with the Guinneas and Twitter lols, no more spending all night reading cute fanfics, no more getting creeped out by the smutty ones. no more late nights on tumblr. all gone. way to soon, it's way to soon she's only had 22 years in this earth why does she have to leave already.
STOP ALFIE! If she only had 24 hours left you jar to make it the best 24 hours and savour every moment you get with her. I looked over ad saw Darcy fast asleep on Zoe's shoulder. Zoe was looking at her with tear rolling down her cheeks. Zoe didn't want to leave and we all knew it.
Zoe's POV
I was laid with my favourite little munchkin and my husband, I was going to die in a few hours, that's something I never thought I would be thinking. I didn't want to leave I had so much to do, have kids, have Darcy sleep over at me and Alfie's...
Alfie I couldn't leave him he needed me and I needed him Joe what's he going to do, dad everyone.
The viewers.
How would I tell them, well I couldn't how would Alf do it. I cried even more Alfie pulled me into Him.
I'm trying to stay strong I honestly am but I can't I'm about to die everything I know is about to at taken away from me Darcy woke up. "chummy don't cry you stay here with me." she strutted but started crying. I felt so bad she's only young and she has to go through this. Louise took her outside because she was hysterical. I cried more and more. "IM SORRY!" I yelled through sobs. "I'm sorry your all going through this you can all go if you want I'm not worth it." I cried into Alfie shoulder everyone walked towards me and hugged me it was just a missive group hug is all in tears I wanted to stay like that forever. when they all pulled away from me and took their seats. "thanks guys, for being here you really don't have to, it means so much to me. you all mean so much to even though it's my last if 24 hours the best your all making this better." I stuttered out through tears. all of us crying
"Zoe you mean the world to me, in so glad you were the girl I grew up with I couldn't have wished for a better best friend!" Cried Alex as she ran and hugged me. we were their in tears we'd done pretty much everything together since the age I like 2. she pulled away
"Zoe we love you so much you've made the days way more fun and nothing would be the same without you!" Cried Niomi as her Marcus, Tanya and Jim came and hugged me
"Zoe I couldn't have ever wished for a better sister you were always there for me no matter what even when I was being a silly little prat you stood by me and talked scene into me and I couldn't wish for anything better zoella280390!" He cried as he ran and hugged me. I hugged back I have the most amazing family ever. Louise walked back in with Darcy, "Zoe we'll miss you thank you for helping give Darcy the best 3 years of her life." said Matt "oh chummy you can't leave I need you you mean so much to me thank you for always being here you human Sloth," she cried as her Matt and Darcy hugged me
"Zoe chummy if you have l die please say hello to gwandma for me."said Darcy that set me and Louise off and we both say their sobbing. " Zoe thankful for meeting my baby brother because if you didn't I would never have such an amazing friend you mean so much to me Zoe I love you so much and I'll tell my kids about their amazing auntie Zoe!" Cried Poppy as her and Sean came and hugged me.
my dad looked at me "Zoe, my beautiful little girl, how did you get so grown up, what happened too my little 4 year old who ran around the house all day. you are the best daughter I could ever wish for and when I wished you all the luck in the world i meant it you deserve to be happy so much and I wish o could make your every wish come true. I wish I could pull you out for here and fly you away on holiday with Alfie and give you the best time of your life but I can't and that bursts most of all. I love you so much zobo." he cried as he came and hugged me we cried into each other's shoulders together go I was going to miss this lot so bloody much.
"Zoe you mean the world to me I dot even know what I will do without you. when you came into my life you filled a void I didn't even know existed, from day one I knew you were perfect for me you are perfect and I know you've need down recently but I love you and your absolutely perfect and don't let anyone tell you differently. I'll never meet anyone as perfect as you Zoe I love you so much Liccle one!" Alfie cried he leaned down from where he was laid and we cried into the kiss we didn't want to loose each other it was a perfect kiss. he pulled away
"Come on guys group hug." they all come towards me again and we all hugged. we looked at the clock. theoretically I had 5 hours left. I say up in bed and Alfie pulled me into him someone took a photo so that's my final photo.Darcy came and sat in my knee she was still crying and that set me off, soon we were all crying.
A nurse walked in and checked things over "honey I'm sorry to say this but you have 2 hours." we all looked around and sobbed, for the last hour and a half we sat around speaking of memories.
30 minutes until I'm gone. I started to feel ill "Alfie I feel ill." I cried I knew it was time to go
"I love you all so much stay strong! "
"Zoe please!" They all cried
A bright light flashed all I heard was "I love you little one." and then loud sobs of everyone around me.
My short life replayed in front of my eyes then it was black I felt nothing. It was over.
Alfie's POV
She was gone. my baby girl was gone we all sobbed and sobbed
"ZOE CHUMMY WAKE UP ZOE CHUMMY" Screamed Darcy through her sobs. Louise hugged her tight and cried into Matt and Matt cried into her. gabby and Alex cried together. Tanya and Jim, Niomi and Marcus,Poppy and Sean, Joe ad her dad. but me I cried into Zoe.
A nurse ran in and took her away I sat against a wall and sobbed into my hands she was gone my baby was gone. everyone came and hugged me we were all in a massive group hug crying together.
"Ssssssshhhhhhhhheeeeeessssss Gggggggggggoooooooooonnnneeee" I sobbed. no one said a thing it was a deafening silence. I wanted her back my baby she's gone.
" We need to tell the viewers they need to know." everyone agreed. we said we'd all be in the video even Zoes dad.
I set up the laptop and logged on to Zoe's YouTube. we pressed record and we all cried again. I finally spoke
"Hi guys as you can see this isnt Zoe and thi isn't Zoe's background." I broke down and Louise rubbed my arm again.
"So we have some bad news for you all," I cried again "Zoe had passed away." I sobbed
Joe spoke up "Yesterday Finn Jarries stabbed zoe....." he tried to carry on but he broke down
"She lost so much blood and was given 24 hours to live." Matt continued we were all crying
"And she's gonnnnnnneeeeeee" I stuttered through sobs.
We turned if the camera and uploaded the video.

We didn't check the laptop again for the rest of the night we just sat in the hospital room crying no words just hugs and tears. we didn't eat didn't drink but our Zoe. She Was Gone.

HI IM SORRY! I cried l writing this so yeah.
If I ripped out your heart and stamped on it in internally sorry 😭😭
The next chapter is the final one 😔😔😔😔 How crazy is that I kind of can't believe it's almost over 😱😱😱 Okay don't forget to vote and comment the final chapter will be up tomorrow 😘😘 Bue bueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Crying myself to sleep. A zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now