Flying High

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*2 Months later*
Alfie's POV
It's been 2 months since Zoe left us all. I don't think I've been happy or smiled since if I'm honest. we all quit YouTube. I rarely spoke to anyone anymore, I just sat alone in my house and cried all
day. I missed her so much, no one had fully moved on but they all had found ways to cope but me. no. It was to much to bare without her.
I wanted all the pain to be over but I wouldn't. this pain will last forever. I sit do anything with meaning anymore I hardly ever eat or drink but he was the only reason I woke up, the reason I went to sleep. everything was for her and now she's gone I don't know how to carry on.
My life was meaningless without Zoe. I kept trying to cope but I couldn't.
I didn't tweet anymore, no more Instagram, no more tumblr no more anything without Zoe.
I wanted to see her again but I couldn't.
I woke up again in the house just me all alone wishing for her to come back. all I wanted was my little one. My Zoe.
The one thing I wanted was the one thing I couldn't have. I miss her.
I didn't know what life was meant to be anymore whiteout Zoe she meant the world to me.
I took a walk, I walked around the park seeing all these happy people with happy faces they are all so happy but I can't even fake a smile anymore she was my rock an now she's gone. I kept walking and walking I didn't know where I Was even going.
When I arrived it hit me I was at Brighton Cliffs and I knew what my kind wants me to do. Jump. But I can't it would crush my mum dad and poppy. But what about me, I couldn't live like this anymore.
I pulled out my phone and opened up my notes.
If your reading this I made the choice, I jumped. before you even think it this wasn't a sparse of the moment thing, I've been contemplating this since she left us, it was to much. you all known how much she meant to me and I don't know how to carry on with life without her she was my everything. I can't do this anymore I love you all. Please tell the guys I love them and in sorry. but this is it I love you all and stay strong. xxx❤️
I tweeted my final ever tweet.
"@pointlessblog goodbye chumps ❤️"
"I love you Zoe, see you soon." I whispered as I placed my phone down and walked further to the edge. I was stop in the edge, it was now or never, I took the step. I was flying and then it was all over. my life flashed before my eyes as I hit the rocky water and I was gone. I was about to be back with my Zoe.

Crying myself to sleep. A zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now