In to town

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Zoe's POV
I woke up and saw I had a text
So excited for today i'll be round about 11 we'll go to lunch then lush... I feel a haul coming on!!!
Oh god its 10:30 now i need to get ready. Lou had come.down for.the weekend with baby glitter and Matt. Today we are both off into Brighton town for a girly day. I get ready I'm wearing a black top with a white collar and my black disco pants with a black jacket.Alfie has just woken up and mumbles" why are you up so early!" I reply " Alf its 10:45 lou will be here in 15 minuets remember its our girly day today." I reply excitedly he just nods and dozes off into a slumber again hes so adorable when he sleeps. i do my makeup quickly only foundation, concealer and a little bit of mascara. then suddenly a knock at the door, I kiss Alfie on the forehead goodbye grab my bag and walk towards the door. Stood there looking beautiful as ever is my bestest Chummy in the entire world Louise of Sprinkle Of Glitter. We have a little chummy moment, twirls and hugs. Then we bth get into my convertible. Matt had dropped lou here and had taken Darcy out today. All through the journey to town we chattted and sang our lungs out to One Direction gaining us some very weird looks from people. I paid for a days Parking got out my vlogging camera and explained that today me and lou were having a chummy day, then we walked around for a bit. we walk into top shop and find some viewers who were so friendly. the youngest was celebrating a birthday we wished her a happy birthday she asked if she could have a picture of cause we obliged. she was so happy then we headed out after getting emotionally attached to some clothes but deciding to leave them. we find a little cafe that looks cute, this one must be new I've never seen it before. we walk in it looks like my dream flat, vintage chic. I love it. We sit at a little two seater table next to a window. Louse had pasta and i had a BLT sandwich. then out of nowhere Jack and Finn of Jacks Gap walked in i started to feel anxious because just a week before this i had turned down jack as he asked me if id go out with him I obviously said no as I am with Alfie. Louise goes to the toilet and I stay at the table, Jack and Finn approach and i start to get really scared because everyone knows when Jacks mad... hes mad and Finn will always stick up for him. I know their twins but its like he's Jacks puppet.


Crying myself to sleep. A zalfie fanficWhere stories live. Discover now