Looking for Significance

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"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

It's been a year since I gave up a very promising career in the government service in lieu of God's call for me to be in a humble institution. Looking back,  I  can see a wide disparity in a work where I was and I am now.

Being a public servant for almost 20yrs brought me to a realm of personal and professional development other than the financial stability I enjoyed for myself and my family for many years. It was then when all my dreams were realized one after another.  Even those that I did not dream came to me as a gift which I feel I didn't deserve. But when I almost have everything I could ask for - a house and lot, a PhD degree,  a managerial position, a high salary, a decent saving, a brand new car, circle of trusted friends, wonderful and smart kids, and loving supportive husband - it was then I was bereft  for something larger that would satisfy my spirit. Something I could not even define. All I know, I was looking for significance that even success itself could not provide.  Until the Lord told me to give up that kind of life  and follow Him to an uncertain future.

I was so scared to let go of what I was used doing for 20 years because  giving up means losing a comfortable life. I thought, if I would be alone to suffer, I would not have a second thought. But I have kids to consider. It was for them that I want to hold on even I was no longer happy doing what I was doing.

For many months, I didn't listen to that small still voice and let live as I used to be.  Then, the Lord used my kids to hear His voice...  Amidst the successful career  life I have, my failures as a mom were paraded before my very eyes and slapped me to a painful reality. God awakened me from my slumber and helped me realized my priorities.

Even then, my struggles were too great that I would be needing the help of my kids with my husband to make decision with me. It was during this long, meaningful family conference that God's voice was echoed through their wisdom. I heard His words from the lips of my kids and that of my husband.

"If it is God's plan, then, it's the best."
"We should not be afraid of the future when God is leading."
"God has waited too long enough, don't let Him wait again."

That was a year ago.

After leaving the department, from being a  municipal head (MARPO), I ended as the Vice President for Student Affairs and Services and embraced without regrets what I was supposed to be doing long time ago -  to influence  young people to be the best that they can be and stand for their faith no matter what the cost. 

Being in the department gave me so much success. But being in the college gives significance and meaning to all the successes I achieved in my life.

I know it has to happen, so that I have a story to tell...

And this is my story.

Just like Moses who gave up the treasures of Egypt to be with his people and lead them to the Promised land, I gave up the "treasures" of the department to be with God's humble institution and lead young people to become better citizens, not only in this country, but in the promised land in heaven above.🙏💕


Thank you Father for standing with us at the crossroad of our life, with your presence, we can follow the way even how uncertain it can be. Help us to always conquer the fear of the unknown and follow you with all humility and obedience, making our life a reflection of your sustaining grace. Only in the name of Jesus, we can claim this victory. Amen.

(This piece was originally written on July 2020, a year after I decided to leave the Department.)

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