Our Righteousness (Part 2)

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"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me." 

Galatians 2:20 (NIV)


In the Garden of Eden,  right after Adam and Eve sinned, they realized their nakedness and clothed themselves with fig leaves. But God changed their covering  into the skin of animal. For the first time, there was shedding of blood, symbolizing that our nakedness, our sins, could be cleanse only through the blood of Christ, only through His righteousness. The only covering acceptable to God is the robe of His own righteousness. This robe is made from heaven. Not one thread of human effort can be seen in fabric of this robe. Because this robe is the perfect character of Christ. Only through Christ, by His grace, that we can live a life of obedience to His perfect will.

A year after my mother died, we cleaned her wardrobe and decided to give away all her clothes and other belongings. There was one particular dress that I like, one that is made from USA given to her as a gift from her cousin when he visited the country. I inherited that dress so to speak. However, since mom was bigger than I am, I repaired the dress to fit my size. Years later, it would not fit to me anymore, because I gained weight sideways. So, I readjusted it to fit my bigger size. Then, after a year or two, I wore this same dress again. And guess what? The dress was bigger and I was thinner, and losing weight because of my dissertation. So, I readjusted it once more and make it smaller. Now, with my size, I can not wear it anymore. Maybe, one of these days, if I have time, I'm going to adjust it again to accommodate my expanded waistline.

The robe of Righteousness is not like that. It is perfect. It does not need repairing.

God never alters the robe of Righteousness to fit the man. But God alters the man to fit the robe.

We don't need to repair the robe from time to time, to become exactly what we want it to be. We are the ones who need a change of heart to become exactly the kind of persons God wants us to be...holy and acceptable to Him, putting on the perfect robe of Christ, His righteousness, His character.

And when we receive God's righteousness freely, fully (100%) and instantly at our new birth, everything that could disqualified us from entering into a new relationship with God has been removed.

Our hearts are united with His heart. Our will is merged with His will. Our minds become one with His mind, and all our thoughts are brought into captivity to Him (2 Corinthians 10:5), and His life is lived out in us (Galatians 2:20). This is what it means to be clothed with the garments of Christ's righteousness. Then as God looks upon us, He no longer sees the fig leaf garment that Adam and Eve tried to cover themselves with, nor the nakedness caused by the deformity of sin, but Christ's own robe of righteousness.

Christ completely covers us. The robe of Righteousness represents a Christ-covered life, and as a result, Christ character, not our character, is reflected in our life.

That's why if my lips is filled with lying, the moment Christ covers my life, my lips will no longer lie. If my heart is filled with unforgiving spirit, the moment Christ covers my life, my heart can easily forgive. If my entire being, from my head to foot, is covered with Christ, I will be a reflection of Christ. You and I will be Jehovah Tsidkenu.

But there is something stopping the majority from being clothed with the righteousness of Jesus Christ. The love of worldly music, entertainment, television, movies and other ungodly things have clouded the minds, and are keeping us from this new birth and regeneration into the Spirit and life of Christ. The heart that is absorbed in worldly interests cannot be given up to God, and therefore cannot be under the full influence of Christ.

No man can put on the robe of Christ's righteousness until he has taken off his own.

We have to put on Christ's righteousness, so that we will be clothed with His glory. The moment you are covered with Christ, you can live in such a way that those who know you, but do not know about God will come to know God because they know you. Because what they can see is actually the righteousness of Christ in you.

Yes, there are deformities in our character. We see them in ourselves, and we see them in other people, too. The reason we ended discouraged sometimes. But we are admonished, that if we want to enter the kingdom of God, we should enter as a conqueror, and our greatest conquest will be the conquest of self. The only remedy for this deformity is the righteousness of Christ.



Thank you heavenly Father for the robe of righteousness, our surety to reflect you to others. Help us, from now on, to live out your life until you appear in the clouds of heaven. Amen

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