Crossroad (Part2)

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"She who trusts in the Lord will never be disappointed." Isaiah 49:23


That night, I monitored the weather. It was getting worst. I checked the airline website and discovered lists of cancelled flights. Included in the lists was my flight to Bangkok. I further discovered as I surfed for latest news over the Internet that many domestic and international passengers were stranded in the airport and some slept on the floor.

I could imagine myself being one of them had I taken the flight earlier. But the Lord spared me from that situation when I chose to walk according to His will. We cannot see what lies ahead of us, but nothing escapes from the eyes of God. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before Him.

The next day, the weather was getting better. My husband and I went to the airport to inquire on the status of our flight. Upon handing our itinerary receipts to one of the attendants at the counter, she checked something in the computer. Few minutes later, she said,

"Sorry Ma'am, this flight was never cancelled. We cannot rebook you. You need to buy another ticket for this. However, your flight to Bangkok was cancelled last night and you can rebook this one."

"Why not rebook our domestic flight as well? I was hesitant to take this flight yesterday because I had a strong feeling I would be stranded. Why would you not consider it?" I explained.

"Promo fare cannot be rebooked Ma'am, unless cancelled. Sorry, it's a policy." She said with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Policy? To take the flight even if your passengers would be stranded eventually? If I had taken this flight, I was one of those who were stranded helplessly. Is that what you want for your passengers? To take the risk so long as they can follow the policy? And for what cost?" I was getting impatient as I reasoned out with this insensitive and irritated staff. Eyes from fellow passengers standing in queue, waiting for their turns, were now all focused at me, but somehow, I comforted myself that these people were with me as I stood for what I believe is right.

The lady at the next counter caught my attention and having sense the increasing tension between me and her companion, approached her colleague and gave her a dismissive look, then approached me on the counter saying,

"I'm sorry Ma'am. How can I help you please?"

For the second time, I repeated what I had explained to the first attendant. Then, she respectfully responded, saying,

"How I really wish to consider your case Ma'am, but it is a situation that I cannot decide."

"May I speak then to your head?" I inquired in a soft voice, holding my temper since the lady before me is being nice.

"Yes ma'am, but I can refer this to our head myself. If you will just excuse me and wait for a while, I will go and present your request." She replied with ease and sincerity.

"Yeah sure and thank you." I said, satisfied with such display of attitude in treating a customer like me. This one is definitely with manners and has better training than the other lady, I whispered to myself.

I spotted my husband was standing few meters away from the line. How I wished to reach him for comfort, but he intentionally distanced himself to avoid heated discusssion with the staff. He just trusted me enough to handle the situation. I need to prove to him that I can settle it myself.

As I waited for the nice lady by the counter, I prayed silently and claimed God's promise - that everything would just turn out according to His perfect will; that the manager would be considerate enough to rebook not only our international flight but the domestic flight as well.

Few minutes after, the nice lady appeared and handed back to me the itinerary receipt with new schedules scribbled on it, both for the domestic and international flights. I could not thank her enough for being real nice to me.

After a day, I and my husband were boarding on a plane going to Bangkok to attend the Women's Conference and enjoy the Sabbath services with other fellow Christian delegates worldwide.



Thank you Father for your faithfulness in my life. I am totally unworthy yet You still grant my prayers. I know our imperfections are not enough reasons to override the promises You have for Your children. Again, thank you for Your promises that never fail. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.

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