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"For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that which we are alive and remain in the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of archangel and with a trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever with the Lord."
1 Thessalonians 4:15-17


I hate packed bags. The thought that someone is leaving, gives me an undefined anxiety. Separation is something I cannot handle, especially, if it involves someone very dear.

I remember the first time I left home for a boarding school many years ago. It was exciting but at the same time, heart breaking. Exciting because it would be a new experience living in a place far away from home with people you would be meeting for the first time, where a taste of freedom is mixed with independent living. Where learning to be responsible takes a lot of new forms, like adjustment, tolerance, acceptance, sharing, etcetera, to whoever would be roommates for a happy coexistence while striving for the much coveted diploma in four or five years time.

Heartbreaking because Mom, Dad and siblings were not there. A semester or a year is needed if you are lucky, to some after graduation, before seeing loved ones again.

My heart ached leaving my two dear younger sisters. Mom and Dad could take care of them for sure, but my everyday existence would be a lot different without them sharing our little secrets about boys, crushes, fashion, shopping, movies and endless things we girls have common interest with. Somehow, I would gonna miss them and our girl talk.

The only thing which seemed so advantageous was the freedom and independent life the separation had given me. Finally my brothers with their wives would never be around to get into my nerve as they did everytime they caused headaches to Mom and Dad before my very eyes. I guessed, they needed the independent life more than I do. I had missed them too, especially their kids, my nephew and nieces....oh those little bundles that make our home a mess but fun.

But I thought, I have a future to consider, so I need to go. The day came. My packed bags lined along the doorway waiting for my attention as everyone became busy leaving hugs and kisses, well wishes and goodbyes. The air was filled with sadness as I stepped my feet away from my comfort zone for the very first time. There could never be a home anywhere away from my family. As I looked at my parents, I saw in their countenance so much hopes and expectations that the next time we see each other again, I would be a year closer to the realization of a better future.

Every year, I left my goodbyes to my family . And after five years of saying goodbye and hello, I never thought, my goodbye to my Dad would become the last and a permanent farewell, without him seeing the fullness of the future he envisioned for me. I never became a lawyer, just like what he wanted for me, but I became a Doctor of Philosophy, one that he and Mom would be equally proud of had they lived and witnessed how I followed my dreams against all odds and made them come true.

After all what I have achieved, if there is wisdom every packed bags left in me, it is the realization that parting is something not to be celebrated with happiness even how you wanted to drive the person away, because, one can never tell if after all the "goodbyes", there will be "hello" the next time around in this life.

What comforts me everytime I think of my parents asleep in the grave is the promise of a resurrection morning. It makes all my goodbyes worth remembering. It is the momentous event when finally our journey in the flesh will come to its end and the Lord will appear in the clouds of heaven to redeem the faithful ones, alive or asleep in the grave. Those who are in the grave will rise upon hearing the voice of the Lord to join among the living saints. Angels will lead each resurrected ones to the side of his/her loved ones. There will be a great reunion for the family members who have been separated by death in this life. A reunion that will last for eternity in the mansions prepared for the righteous.

Whoever will be your "mansionmate" in heaven does not matter anymore. No more adjustment to be made for peaceful coexistence. No more people who will get into your nerve. No more messes by little kids, no more girly talks about fashion, shopping, movies and crushes. Above all, no more death, no more pain, no parting, no goodbye and no more packed bags lined in the hallway of heaven. All traces of sin is forever gone.

The thought that I can see Mom and Dad again with my Savior this time, makes every goodbye a reminder to live faithfully in this life, so that I can claim the promise to be there in the resurrection morning when it comes, making our goodbye ephemeral, only heartwarming "hello" with the Savior for the rest of eternity.

Guide us, oh God to live daily valuing every second of our life and the lives of our loved ones, to walk faithfully and completely in obedience to your will, so that at the end of our journey, we are assured of your presence welcoming us with a loving "hello" in the gates of heaven. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

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