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     It had been four days since Gon had last seen the silver haired boy known as Killua. In that time, Gon had battled against two more fierce opponents. Each fight seemed to greatly improve Gon's real world fighting skills. It seemed almost impossible for Gon to come away from a match without learning atleast one new thing.

     The first match Gon conquered was a woman, around age 37. It was rare for women to fight at heavens arena, so she was a nice suprise. The girl, named Tani knew how to use her long legs to her advantage, using them as her main attack. Sadly for her, she hadn't prepared for her opponent to be a young boy with the ability to easily dodge all her kick atacks, leading to her failure.

     The second Gon fought was a man, Rex around age 52. He seemed to be in the competition merely for the money, trying to use his massive size to crush opponents. That didn't work, once again, to Gon's size and speed. Gon proved to be an unexpected circumstance for many competitors.

     None of that really mattered, however, as Gon was still only on floor thirty-seven. He had a long way to go in Hisoka's eyes, though he was doing excellent for a six year old. Currently, he was sitting in a chair in the thirty-sevenths floors waiting room. He had a match that day aswell.

     Gon assumed Hisoka was already in the bleachers, just waiting for Gons match to be called. Thats what was done for the past three matches, so there was no reason for it to be any different for today. That is also precisely the reason why when Gon was called and he went out to the arena, he was confused when he didn't see Hisoka's smirking face.

     It had thrown Gon off for majority of his match, as Hisoka never did show up. There was even a time when Gon did manage to get nicked by the opponents punch. Though it was unknown if it was due to Gon being distracted or simply that his opponent was a tad stronger then others he faced previously.

     It was a tad lengthy match, around thirty-ish minutes. Immediately after being declared the victor, Gon went off to find Hisoka. The first place Gon went to check was his own hotel room. When there was no sign of Hisoka there, he moved on to Hisoka's room. There was no Hisoka there either, but something caught his sight.

     Looking out of the hotel rooms window, there were a few shops adjacent to one another. One of which was a tea shop, a quaint place that Gon and Hisoka went to after first arriving at Heavens Arena. But thats not what caught Gon's attention at all.

     What caught his attention was the familiar gelled red hair pointing towards the sky. The owner of that hair was indeed Hisoka, whos gaze seemed to be focused intensly on something in front of him. The small porcelain cup was almost ignored, sitting in front of Hisoka.

     Almost right after identifying the man as Hisoka, Gon rushed down the flight of stairs and out of the hotel. Dashing towards the front door of the tea place, he only paused after the door's bell violently shook. Rubbing the back of his head with a small lop sided smile, Gon looked around.

     Finally laying eyes on his caretaker, Gon collected himself to the point of where he looked like a fancy rich six year old, one raised by the richest people in the world. It was a humorous sight, thus drawing the attention of a few people. This went unnoticed by Gon as he walked towards Hisokas table.

     Almost immediately after reaching Hisoka, the delicate image Gon first portrayed had now vanished, and was replaced by Gons whining. "Uncleeee, why werent you there? I was real cool and all, but you weren't there!" Now, he was using his magical puppy dog eyes.

     "I looked aalll over for you too! Papa Hisoka, why weren't you there?" A single tear had presented itself onto Gon's cheeks. Hisoka now held an uneasy smile, his lips seemingly a squiggly line. He wasnt prepared for emotional young children at the moment.

     Yes, he had missed his little treasures forth match, but it was for a good reason. On his way to the arena to watch Gon's match, he happened upon the young Killua. The silver boy was with an older man, with long dark hair and fish-like, souless eyes. Returning to Hisoka's earlier thoughts of the day before, he assumed the man must have been Killuas brother, or atleast a caretaker.

     He had followed the two from a distance, entranced by the power oozing from the eldest. It led him to the café, and to seem more inconspicuous he had ordered a small cup of tea. Hisoka surely didn't expect his own little boy to appear, nor for him to question Hisoka tearfully as to why he didn't show.

     "My apologies, my little fruit. There was such an enticing opportunity, and I definitely couldn't miss it." Gon had moved to sit across from Hisoka, and in doing so blocked Hisokas clear view of the silver haired boy and black haired man. "Ill make it up to you. Hmm, how about I treat you to a nice desert later on today, to celebrate your win."

     Hisoka glanced behind Gon. "I assume you did win, correct?" Again, he looked behind Gon. "Yea, papa! I was real cool and everything.. I really wish you were there." Gon pouted, observing Hisokas face. He had said a quick "hmm, yes yes, later my sweet Gon" but appeared to be distracted once more.

     When Hisoka glanced at the area behind Gon once more, this time Gon had observed this reaction. With the added stare coming from the back of Gon's head, he turned around to see what exactly was so important. He certainly didn't expect to meet a pair of ocean blue eyes gazing back at him.

     It was Killua, the boy his age who had appeared at Heavens Arena. Gon almost immediately exclaimed a cheer, and would have if it wasnt for Killua's eyes seemingly telling him to shush, and not show any sign of reaction. To Killua's suprise, Gon simply obeyed and looked away, facing Hisoka once more.

     Gon was so intrigued, so sure that he had to meet this nice looking boy then and there. Looking up at Hisoka, it was clear his guardian was lost in a train of thought, a misty gaze clouding his eyes. Gon slipped down from the chair quietly, as to not recieve Hisoka's attention. Walking to the door, Gon subtly paused at Killuas table.

     He streched, and let out a soft voice. "Hisoka, Im going outside for a bit. I saw a really cool looking cloud!" Even though it was seemingly addressed to his father, it was said quietly enough for it to not reach Hisoka's ears. Instead, it reached its intended audience, the silver haired boy. The beautiful blue eyes narrowed slightly, but showed no other signs.

     Less then a second after saying what needed to be said, Gon excited the room, the soft bell ringing signaling his absense. If the boy called Killua wanted to be his friend, then he would go out to meet with Gon. If Killua didn't show, then Gon would simply sigh and return to his hotel room, not having the gull to go inside and meet the gaze of the silver haired boy.

     Gon made it clear he wanted a friendship to form between the two, and now it was now up to Killua to accept or decline. What choice would he make exactly, Gon wondered.

{ END }

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