+ T W O F R I E N D S +

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- short skit
- hisokas past
- hisoka: age four and a half
- atlar: age five

- trigger warnings: mentions of abuse, neglect and trauma


     Hisoka didn't show it often, but he was a child with many traumas. Ranging from abuse, neglect, and a runaway mother, Hisoka had a lot of stories to tell.

     Though no one knew those stories except for the old ringleader at the circus Hisoka had worked at. Hisoka never really liked to share any personal stories, as he wanted to simply forget his past and move on with the future. The only reason he ended up telling the ringleader was due to the fact that the ringleader wouldn't accept Hisoka otherwise. He always claimed that there was no secrets between the two, and they should trust one another.

     Hisoka's father was abusive, and his mother was absent. She had left Hisoka and his father after not being able to handle the fathers daily abuse. She had fled in the middle of the night one day, leaving baby Hisoka all alone with his father. When Hisoka was thirteen, he had looked into his mother to see where she ended up.

     Apparently she had worked at a strip club for a few years, and pleasured many clients. One of these clients was a strong mob boss that people were told to never get on the bad side of. His mother hadn't listened, and dared to comment about the mob bosses other side chicks. She had felt she was special enough to demand that he forget the other girls and marry her.

     Let's just say the mob boss hadn't exactly appreciated her demands, and she had ended up in a body bag thrown away in the trash the next day. But that's a story for another time. This story takes place when Hisoka was eight, and still living with his abusive father.

     A beer bottle was thrown in Hisoka's direction by his father. Hisoka dodged it swiftly, used to this by now. Because of his father, Hisoka was strong and agile. He had pretty good self defense, and a good hideout for whenever his father got angry.

     Not to mention, Hisoka had become friends with someone a year older than him, named Atlar. Yeah, it was a slightly strange name, but he didn't really question it. The two had met one day after Hisoka was kicked out of the house by his father. Hisoka was only four and a half years old, rummaging through the trash, looking for something decent to eat, when he heard a small groan.

     He looked over in the direction the noise was made, only to see a boy slightly taller then him laying on what looked to be a worn out mattress laying on the ground. "Keep it down, will ya?" The boy had asked. Ignoring the boys request, Hisoka walked over to the boy. "Who are you?" He asked with a tilted head.

     "Atlar. Now scram, I'm trying to get some decent sleep around here, if you hadn't noticed." Once again ignoring the boys request, Hisoka got up in Atlar's face. "My name is Hisoka. I was wondering if you had any food I could eat?" He asked.

     Groaning, Atlar sat up. "Geez..." Atlar had said, looking down at Hisoka with a growl. However, once he noticed how young looking Hisoka was, he sighed. "Fine.. here ya go." Altar said, tossing a sandwich tucked into a bag Hisoka's way. "I was gonna eat it in a little bit, but you look like you need it more than me." He said, looking at Hisoka's slightly built but thin body.

"Thank you, Atlar! So what are you doing out here?" Hisoka asked, starting to munch down on the sandwich. "Hmm... I was just bored, I guess. My mamma is always working and I was bored staying at home so I like to go out sometimes, I guess." He said, sighing.

His father was never around, and Atlar wasn't even sure if he and his father had met. It was always just him and his mother, for as long as he could remember. His mother worked full time at three different jobs, just to be able to provide for the two of them. Atlar was mature enough to realize that his mother really tried her best to take care of him, and it wasn't her fault that she never was able to spend much time with him.

"Oh.." Hisoka said. "My mom ran away after I was born because she didn't like my dad, I guess. My dad is scary all the time, but I'm strong!" Hisoka said, raising up his arm and flexing it. "When he throws stuff I go zoom! Zoom! Zoom!" Hisoka said, flailing his arms around really fast as if to prove his point.

Atlar patted the mattress, signaling Hisoka to sit down. "I guess were kinda simulate, you and I." Hisoka nodded, humming. "You know, I think you would be a good friend to have. Let's be friends." Atlar said, holding up his pinky. Hisoka started at him confused, as if asking what he was doing.

Atlar laughed, saying "it's a pinky promise, duh! Haven't you ever hear of a pinky promise?" He asked, to see Hisoka shake his head no. "Oh.. okay! A pinky promise means that you swear we willll always be friends and stick together! My momma always pinkie promises me ice cream whenever she comes home really late to make up for it!" Atlar said.

Hisoka, now with some new knowledge in his head, extended his pinky and wrapped it around Atlar's, muttering "Yeah, lets be friends...." And that is the tale of how two friends, Hisoka and Atlar, had met.

{ A/N: }
Okay so I'm writing this right after I finished writing the first short skit, and I was determined to make this one short, like I had originally intended. The first skit was kinda depressing, and I had started to write this one at the same time, talking breaks between the two. But then I had decided to work fully on the first short skit, and ended up with 3400 plus words. Since the first skit was kinda depressing, I kinda wanted to make this one more cheerful, but since I had just finished writing the first one I was still in kinda a sad mood so I kept hinting the twos childhood trauma.

I hope you enjoyed this short skit! Feel free to give me your opinions each chapter haha


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