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Hisoka: age 16Gon: age 1Julie: age 41Margaret: age 3Marcus: age 5Sam: age 8Tom: age 43Atlar: age 17

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Hisoka: age 16
Gon: age 1
Julie: age 41
Margaret: age 3
Marcus: age 5
Sam: age 8
Tom: age 43
Atlar: age 17

     Hisoka sighed, staring at the one month old Gon. It had been about a week since Ging had given Hisoka Gon, and you could say that Hisoka was struggling. He had to run back and forth, asking what you feed a baby and how to change the diapers.

     Noting his struggles, a young lady with 3 children of her own and a husband offered to help him get started. Hisoka and her first met while Hisoka was browsing baby clothes with a little mini Gon in his arms. There wasn't any stores or shops around their mini cottage, so Hisoka and Gon had to travel quite a ways to get there.

     Her name was Julie, and she visited every other day for around a year. She had proved to be really useful, as Hisoka sucked at actually raising young kids. Sure, he knew how to entertain them, because of his past as a circus performer, but his knowledge didn't go much last that. Julie had slight wrinkles evident on her face, though her brown eyes always held kindness and determination. She also had blonde hair, which was slowly fading into a light gray.

Julie, on the other hand, was great at taking care of young ones, as proved by her three kids aged three, five, and eight. Those kids hadn't really visited much, as the distance to go there was to tiring for their little legs. Julie taught Hisoka how to bathe, feed, and burp Gon.

Another thing Julie had to teach Hisoka was how to properly hold and care for a baby, as he proved to be to rough on little Gon. Not that he did it on purpose, but Hisoka sometimes slightly crushed Gon when holding him. This would make Gon cry, and Hisoka panic. Screaming kids weren't really his thing.

Julie really lit up the presence in Hisoka's small cottage, and always carried around a bright smile no matter what. Gon was crying? She would cradle him signing a lullaby softly. Gon couldn't sleep? She would rock him in her arms for hours until he fell asleep. Gon wouldn't eat? She would make dumb faces and cute little noises until he ate.

Julie trained Hisoka to be a perfect father, and showed him how to properly care for little infants and young toddlers. It was a shame she was already married, Hisoka caught himself thinking occasionally. Though she may not have been strong or knew what nen was, her charm and personality made up for it. Don't get him wrong, he wasn't romantically interested in her. She was almost thirty years older than him. He simply wanted her around to be more of an aunt figure, but she couldn't due to her family.

There was a time when Julie had brought her young daughter, Margaret, over. The other two boys had stayed at home with their father. Though Margaret was only three, she showed a passion for caring for Gon. Margaret, with her short brown hair and bangs, was such a bright, highly person. Hisoka could tell she really took after her mother. Both mother and daughter were massive animal lovers, and cooed over small things such as babies.

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