+ N E W F A T H E R +

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     TO NOTE:

-A little Hisoka x Ging but it rarely pops up, and when it does, it's more hinted.

-Since Hisoka raises Gon rather than Mito, Gon's personality will be a tad different.

-Gon and Killua will become friends in this story at the age of 6, rather than 12.

-The phantom troupe will also help raise Gon.

Hisoka: age 15Ging: age 20Gon: age 0

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Hisoka: age 15
Ging: age 20
Gon: age 0

     Hisoka and Ging looked around the game Ging had created, with the help of a few others. It was called Greed Island, inspired by each of the owner's names. Baby Gon was in Ging's arms, gurgling. Ging giggled slightly and wiped the drool off Gon's little face. "So this is goodbye?" Hisoka asked. "Afraid so" Ging replied, nodding.

     Ging looked out, into the sky. "I want to explore the world more. I'm not quite ready to be a parent just yet." He looked down at his feet "And when Sally told me she was pregnant... I had mixed feelings." He paused "But after a while I came to a conclusion, that I would just let Sally take care of this little baby here" Ging tickled Gon's stomach, smiling.

     "Sadly, she passed away during childbirth. So here I am now, with little baby Gon, and no clue how to take care of him." Hisoka nodded, lost in thought. "I suppose that's the reason you asked me here? I was hoping for a fight..." he trailed off. Ever since Hisoka and Ging met, Hisoka was amazed by how strong Ging was. Now, 4 years later, they still had yet to fight.

     "Exactly. You have way more experience with little kids than I do. I'm sure all your experience with the circus kids must have taught you something." Ging stated, clearing his throat. "So, I was hoping that you could take care of Gon for a while." Nodding, Hisoka asked "For how long? Do I get an incentive for watching him?"

     "Hmm..." Ging started "how about for the first 16 to 18 years of his life. If he grows into a young respectable man, then when I come back, I shall fight you." The offer was definitely tempting to Hisoka. So what if he had to wait 18 years? As long as Hisoka would be able to fight Ging, he wouldn't mind.

     "Sounds.... interesting. And how will you know if Gon grows up into a respectable man? I assume you'll be occasionally stopping by to see Gon?" Hisoka asked, to which Ging shook his head. "No, I won't visit even once. I may occasionally watch from afar, but I won't ever make contact with my son. Atleast I won't until he becomes a hunter and successfully tracks me down."

     "Hmm... So you want me to take Gon's father position? Then what will you be?" Hisoka inquired. "I will be his birth father, while you will take over the position of more of a caretaker. You would be his uncle, or if you prefer, you could be Gon's other dad. The choice is really up to you."

     Hisoka took baby Gon from Ging's arms, causing a giggle to come out of Gon's mouth. Tickling Gon, Hisoka spoke "Okay, I'll accept your offer. Seems interesting enough, plus I'll be able to fight you at the end of it~"

     "Good. Then, I guess I'll go now. Good luck raising Gon, and I'll be looking forward to how you manage. Goodbye, Hisoka, Gon..." Ging said, giving Hisoka a hug and kissing Gon's forehead. And with that, Ging disappeared, leaving a baby Gon in Hisoka's arms.

"Now what am I going to do with you?" Hisoka cooed, bouncing Gon in his arms. Gon simply gurgled, his clear innocent eyes staring up at Hisoka.


Hisoka: age 19
Gon: age 4

Hisoka chuckled, watching a little four year old Gon run around. "Daddy! Daddy! Look what I can do!" Gon shouted, doing a handstand. During these four years together, Hisoka noted many things. One, Gon was very active. Two, he had a curiosity for the unknown. This second trait really showed as Gon always liked to have mini adventures around the small cabin they lived in.

     Hisoka had opted to live in a small cabin surrounded by trees, as it seemed peaceful. Plus, he would be able to train Gon uninterrupted, something Hisoka had planned since the very beginning.

     That was another thing they had been doing the past 4 years, training. Gon showed raw potential, which was exciting to Hisoka. 'Maybe he will grow up to be as strong as Ging!' Hisoka thought excitedly. "Oo! Good job, Gon." Hisoka replied to the toddler, patting his head.

     Gon giggled, running off to go outside. He was lean, with a tad bit of muscle, but not to much. Hisoka had Gon doing pretty basic and easy training, so the toddler wouldn't be overwhelmed. Hisoka planned to start doing more heavyweight stuff at the age of five, and only when Gon proved to be strong, he would teach Gon nen.

     Of course, one thing Hisoka loved to teach Gon was card games. They started off with a simple game of gold fish, then old maid, and now Hisoka was working on teaching Gon how to make a tower of cards. Surprisingly, Hisoka was very considerate with the young boy. He didn't force Gon to do anything he didn't want to, and he didn't train Gon to the brink of exhaustion.

Gon considered Hisoka as a father, or an uncle. He either called him 'daddy' or 'uncle'. It switched between the two. On that topic, Hisoka made sure to inform Gon that he was not his genetic father, and that his real father was exploring. Gon was three years old, a month away from turning four. Gon was playing outside, when Hisoka decided to check on him.

     Gon was munching down on a plant that Hisoka later deemed harmless. Crouching down to Gon's level, Hisoka spoke. "I'll always love you just the same, but I want to tell you something." Gon plopped as he sat on the ground, intently watching Hisoka. He still had those clear, innocent eyes. "Yes Papa?" He asked.

     "I'm not your actual daddy. The truth is, your father left a little after you were born to go on an adventure." Hisoka attempted to dumb down his words, knowing that Gon wouldn't fully understand. "So papa.. isn't real papa?" Gon asked. Hisoka chuckled, surprised at the fact that Gon understood that much. "Yeah, I'm not your real papa. Your real papa is on an adventure"

     Hearing the word 'adventure' once more, Gon's eyes sparkled. "Adventure!" Gon shouted, running into Hisoka's arms, giving him a wide hug. "I wanna go on an adventure to!" And ever since then, Hisoka and Gon always went on little 'adventures' of their own, exploring the land around the small cottage.

     That's how Gon became addicted to exploring, and how Hisoka told the truth to Gon. But that's getting off topic. Hisoka acts like an amazing father, and truly takes good care of Gon. Gon unlocked his more adventurous side, and still considered Hisoka as a father figure.


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