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      Gon was still staring at the silver haired boy, shocked at his strength. Gon was thinking about how cool that was, when the boy looked over at him, as if sensing his stare. At first it was a tough stare, but once noticing that the green haired boy was his age, he smirked.

     Gon waved at the boy, and he waved back. Sadly, Hisoka had started to pull Gon away, saying something about it was time for him to prepare for his match. Even though he was disappointed, Gon nodded, suddenly excited again about his match.

Gon had hoped that he could see the boy again in the future, so he could be friends with him. From what he could tell, the boy seemed nice. I mean, he HAD smiled at him and waved back. That had to mean that he was friendly, right? Nodding, Gon decided that the white headed kid could make a decent friend.

     Anyways, Gon was now sitting in the waiting room, ready to be called up. He silently moved his legs, excited for his upcoming match.  Hisoka had been training him for this, for several years now. After all, if Hisoka didn't believe in Gon's strength, he probably would have never agreed to take him outside and fight overweight, intimidating men.

     Of course Hisoka hadn't taught Gon about the idea of nen yet, though that didn't mean he hadn't started exposing it to Gon. Don't get him wrong, its not like he forced his nen out to open Gon's pores or anything, no. He had simply just used it around Gon. Like whenever he built his card tower stacks, it never hurt to occasionally add some nen to ensure the towers standing.

It wasn't about teaching Gon nen, just slowly exposing him to non dangerous nen for now. After all, Gon is still only six years old. They would get to the heavy stuff later, maybe when Gon was around twelve. But that's besides the point. Right now, Gon was simply waiting for his turn.

After being ushered away from the silver haired boy, Gon never got to see the end of the match in person. Instead, he had to rely on the small boxed tv found in every waiting room, allowing the participants to see whats going on.  Gon was proud to see that the boy who he wanted to make his friend won the match, after  several chops to the elder man. It looked almost magical, watching the boy zoom around his target, chopping different places on the man's neck.

     After the end of it, the few who did spectate the match, observing future opponents were definitely surprised when a small boy, no older then around the age of six defeated a chunky round man, appearing to be in hid forties. The silver haired boy, who's name was announced to be Killua at the beginning and end of the match, was told to go to floor 20.

     Finally, after waiting what Gon felt to be forever, he was called up. As he exited the waiting room he gulped. Its not like he was afraid or anything, no. This feeling he was showcasing merely seemed to be a mix of excitement and nervousness. Stepping up on the stage, Gon looked around at the bleachers surrounding the small arena.

RAISED BY HISOKA {HXH}Where stories live. Discover now