Chapter 54: Teen Idle

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I sigh as I put in the code to open the labs' front doors, the sharp sound of the keypad beeping hurting my ears. The doors unlock with a click, and I open them, heading inside the building that has air that smells too clean and lights that are harsh on my eyes.

I'm tired, wanting nothing more than to sit down and read and not have to think for five minutes. After receiving the news yesterday of how the Minister has contacted the Exmoore Militia and wants to team up with them, we've spent today planning. That means I've been spending hours sitting in a chair in Janine's office in her farmhouse, only half-listening as she drones on about plan A, B, C and so on.

She even gave us notes on plans she did and didn't cover! She wants us to study over them for the next day or so, so we'll be well prepared for the meetup.

We know the Exmoore Militia is on our side, but we must try to convince Sigrid that they're not. It's the same as it's always been. Deceiving her is the only way we can hope to win. We do not have the strength or power to face her head on. It's like Peter said-it's a waiting game.

After finally being set free, we went to dinner. I realized halfway through that while most of the lab workers were eating, Veronica and Milo were absent. Veronica was probably wanting to go over more results or something, and Milo probably didn't want to leave her. It annoys me how little effort they put into keeping themselves healthy. I've lost count of how many times Milo has skipped meals or didn't sleep in order to help in the labs. I'm worried it will affect his running performance.

By that I mean I'm worried he'll slip up in the field and get himself hurt, or worse, killed.

He's already put himself into tough situations because he was too tired to pay attention, like when he ran into one of the Last Riders yesterday. He and Summer went on a mission right after Peter, Jody and I got back from ours.

One of the bastards chased him down on a motorcycle, swinging around a bat that had nails in it, screaming he was going to rip his heart out and eat it. The only reason he ended up getting away was because Summer fired her pistol at the bike to distract the Rider, and then Milo used his ax to slice into the man's arm. He didn't give him too deep of a cut, but it was enough to get the Rider to back off.

I shake my head. I hate how careless he can be sometimes, like now. It's why I'm here. I've brought him and Veronica dinner. Since Nadia isn't constantly watching over Veronica anymore, no one's really making sure she's being careful. Sam is doing his best in trying to guide her. He's been having talks with her to get her to understand why turning on us to help Sigrid like she did was wrong, and why we can't always be like her when it comes to finding results.

I'm not sure if she's really understanding it, but he's still trying. I don't think he's going to stop anytime soon. I suppose that means I shouldn't either. Even though I have mixed feelings about Veronica, I wish no ill will on her. I mean, she's Chris's daughter. I didn't know him well, but I know enough from the stories. He was a good man, and he loved Veronica very much and wanted more than anything for her to be okay.

And even if she wasn't his daughter, she's still just a teenager. A genius, but a teenager. And sixteen-year-old geniuses need to eat.

Plus, it would be kind of rude for me to only bring Milo food.

"Hello?" I call out, walking through the many rooms and labs, full of different equipment I couldn't possibly work out. "Milo? Ronnie?"

My steps echo against the while tile floors, the buzz of the lights making me feel as if I'm in some kind of horror movie. I clutch the bags of food in my hand a bit tighter, half expecting someone with a knife to jump out and stab me.

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