Chapter 52: Out Loud

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My body hits the ground with a thud. I barely have time to register the blunt ache in my back before rolling out of the way to avoid being stepped on.

"Damn, you trying to break a rib or something?" I pant, jumping back up and swinging a punch at Tom, which he easily blocks.

"Of course not. I know how much force I would need to put in to break your bones. The worst I would do is bruise them."

I roll my eyes, ducking under his swing, trying to sweep the leg. He sees it coming, quickly stepping back in order to not be taken down.

"Come on, Five! I know you can do better than that," Peter says from the sidelines. I grit my teeth at his mocking voice.

"Yeah, Callista!" Jody calls. "You can do it."

I grin, feigning a left hook to distract Tom before stepping over to swing, twisting my body to put more force in the punch I give to the side of his head. It hurts him, but he looks more impressed than wounded.

"Must suck to know your girlfriend's rooting for me instead of you."

"She's probably only doing it to make you feel better after you get slammed into the mat," He replies cheekily. I scoff, but it turns to a grunt when he brings up his leg and slams it into my right side.

"Again, are you trying to break a rib?"

"Again, no."

It's cycle, mostly with him swinging and me dodging. I barely have time to take offense, since he's constantly moving, swinging, giving attacks. I have no choice but to stay in defensive position. Plus, the hits he gives me are hard enough to nearly have me staggering backwards. Even as a former Torrencer, Tom's got me beat. I suppose he's been doing this a lot longer than me, though, and I tell myself that to make me feel better after he hits me across the jaw.

I stumble back, just barely managing to block his next hit, but he still manages to push me back a step. I bring my leg up to kick him, but he sidesteps to avoid it, and I take that chance to slam my fist into his shoulder, pushing him back just the smallest bit.

I'll take what I can get.

The cycle continues. Every time I gain a bit of leeway, every time I think I've gained a bit more ground, I'm pushed back, having to go back to dodging and ducking and blocking. I'm breathless and sweaty, but not bleeding. Thankfully Tom's been kind enough to make sure he hits me in places that won't bleed easily, avoiding my lips and nose, focusing more towards my jaw or temple if he decides to hit me in the face.

I grit my teeth, angry because it's never been this hard to beat up anyone. Then again, Tom isn't just anyone. He's extremely skilled-Janine level skilled. Sometimes I forget that. I forget that getting this far, staying on my feet this long is quite impressive for most people.

"You know, if you're starting to feel tired, you can always yield," He teases, swinging at me again. I jump back, nearly tripping but managing to gain my footing at the last second.

I grin, the smile forced and angry. There's an unyielding stubbornness in me, one I know Tom can see in my eyes. It's the type of stubborn that keeps me fighting even after Tom hits me hard enough to make my brain rattle against my skull.

I stumble, but I don't back down, continuing the cycle of dodging and attacking.

But the cycle must end, and it ends with me on my back and Tom's knee digging into my stomach. I squirm when it starts to be uncomfortable, knowing there's no way I can get myself up and out of this one.

"Alright, alright, I yield," I sigh, and a second later he's off of me and extending a hand to help me up. I take it.

"You did good, Callista! You'll get him next time." Jody cheers, and Tom smirks.

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