Chapter 2: Sinnerman

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The alarm blares into my ears, and I grab Milo and pull him behind me, shutting the door so we can only see through the crack. My free hand grabs my backpack strap, then I grab Peter's wrist. No ones seen us yet. It's just a bunch of alarms and spotlights, none of which have landed on us.

"Right. Jody," Peter says nervously, "we are currently standing just inside Bankside Power Station in the dark. There are people trying to get searchlights trained on us, and we have the King of England with us, who was supposed to have just been executed! Thoughts? Opinions? Any plans?"

"Okay. Okay, I'm just thinkin'!" She squeaks.

"There!" A guard yells. "I see something there!"

"Speed up your thinking, Jody," Paula says. "I think someone's just spotted us through the crack in the door. And we're in the middle of Sigrid's territory, miles from the wall of the neutral zone, and she'll kill us if we finds us."

"Okay. Okay. Uh... uh-"

"The plan still holds," Nicole interrupts. "They're going to try to follow you, but you know where you're going, and you're all fast. At least, I think you all are. I haven't really seen Jaime run, but I'm sure His Majesty is fast if he did runs with Singer before going off to live the royal life. Anyway, your transport has been arranged by the Laundry. There's a van waiting down by the Thames to your left. Get there. They'll get you across the wall."

"Wow. That was... quick thinking," Sam says, sounding impressed.

"I was in training to be a supervisor. My job was to make sure every plan went smoothly, and before that I was a radio operator, remember? Anyway, no time for talking. Just move!"

"I'm with you, Five," Jaime says with a nod. "Let's run!"

We sprint outside the door, taking a left and keeping our heads down. Everyone but Milo could be easily recognized if seen, so we need to make sure we're fast and remain unseen in the shadows. I keep quiet, one handing having ahold of Milo's arm and the other wrapped around Peter's wrist.

It makes running a bit awkward, but I manage. I like to keep hands on Milo so I know I don't lose him, and I keep my hand on Peter, because if I don't grab his wrist then he will most likely grab mine. He still hasn't gotten out of that habit, even after all these months. Plus it's like, weirdly calming. It's our thing, I guess. No one really questions it, though I do get some weird looks from people sometimes. I find that the most puzzling thing of all, since I used to do something very similar with Simon and no one batted an eye.

Although people are weird with Peter. I think it might be because how much he misses Janine, because he does. He misses her a lot. I've always known he had feelings for her, but its really obvious now that she's gone.

But Jaime gives me an odd look too.

"What?" I ask, and for a second he opens his mouth, before closing it again, his eyes flickering to Milo.

I turn my head to see the teenager sending him a threatening look and drawing his finger across his neck with his free hand. He drops it immediately when he sees he has my attention.

"What are you doing?"

"Nothing," He replies a bit too quickly, and that's when I decide we are definitely going to have a talk when we get home.

You can't just threaten the king, even if he was supposed to have just been executed.

But thankfully the weird looks drop as we get into the streets. I let go of Milo's arm, only holding onto Peter's wrist. It would look weird if I were holding onto both of them, and any passerbys that take notice of us will probably think that me and Peter are a couple or something like that.

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