chapter 3

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I could see the fear in her eyes. I couldn't possibly imagine what she might be thinking.

What if she says no, what if she hates the idea? I cant leave her here alone with dad, but I cant stay here forever. I need her, I wouldn't be able to do it by myself. My heart feels like its falling into a deep dark pit, and at the bottom is the fear that my sister would say no. will she?

"Ellie?" she looks up at me and I can see darkness in her eyes. 

"I'm afraid" Ellie whispers to me.

I may not want to admit it, but so am I. The only thing that scares me more than leaving, is not leaving. 

"Ellie, I know your scared, I am too. But if we don't do this, we could be stuck here forever, never knowing. Never knowing the fact that there is a possibility for a better life, we just cant see it. Not right now. Once we take that blind leap of faith I promise to you, you will be able to see it. And what you see, will be a better life. Ellie please, you just need to trust me." as I say this she raps her arms around me. she pulls back and there is a tear rolling down her cheek. 

"Okay" she laughs.

Relief washes over me. I walk into the closet and pull out a journal that I hid in the corner of the closet behind a few drawers. At the time that I bought the journal I didn't know what I would use it for. I just didn't want Ellie to find it and start asking me a whole bunch of random questions.

"So, if were really gonna do this I think we need a way or a place to keep everything together, you know information and stuff. We have a lot of thinking to do so we should probably get started, but first we need to get a little bit of money out of dads account. How much should we start with?" I don't even bother to look up at Ellie.

Instead I get out a pen and begin to write on the first page, 'operation escape'

"Maybe $50?" Ellie asks, making sure its a good amount. I nod at her, still not bothering to look up.

"What did you write?" Ellie asks me. I hold the book up as I read the title.

"Operation escape" A smile spreads on her face.

"O.E.Triple B, for short. It can stand for 'operation escape big bad bitch'." she says as she writes the initials under my words. 

"I have a feeling about how this will all end, I cant tell whether its a good feeling or a bad one though." I tell Ellie, my voice a little shaky.


We told dad we where going to the library, because that's the only place he lets us go. Think about it. It gets us out of the house, and what could possibly go wrong at the library? Nothing!

"Okay, I cant go inside because they might be suspicious of my injuries. So ill stay in the car as you get the money. You can do this, if you act confident it will seem like you've done this a million times. You can do this." I give Ellie a pep talk.

"Okay, wish me luck." Ellie says, I can hear the nervousness in her voice. 

"Good luck!" I yell as she steps out of the car and into the building, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

So many questions are floating in my mind. Where will we go? How will we get there? When will we leave? How will we keep this from everybody, the maid and dad? What will we do if somebody finds out? Will we have enogh money? And overall Will we be safe? All of these questions are over whelming me so I look out of the window and focus on the positive: the sun came out today, we are alive, and we are all safe.

Of course this moment wont last forever, and I knew that; I just didn't think it would end so quickly. A black car parks 2 parking spots away from me and through the windows I can see 3 people, all dressed in black. They where putting on masks, and loading there guns. My heart sunk and it felt like I was a child about to get on a scary roller coaster for the first time. 

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