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I was home minding my business and my best friend bussed through my door.


"Girl tell me why I just seen josh Christopher"

"Oh really" I wasn't interested

"Yes we have to go right away before he leave"

"Where you see him?"

"He was at the mall then I got what hotel he staying at" she said like it was normal

"Yeah stalker" I say quietly.

"Let's go I don't know when he leaves we have to go" she dragged me.

He was staying at a five star hotel it was nice inside and out we still don't know the room number.

"We'll wait in the lobby yeah that's not creepy"

" never mind I got something better" she walked up to the desk and talked to somebody.

"She won't tell me nothing tryna keep him for herself"she scoffed

"Girl I doubt that it's information that doesn't need to be out"

"I guess- he right there" when she said that my head snapped in that direction.

"Go get your picture so we can go" I push her in front of me

"Ouu girl I'm nervous" she fixed her hair

Everybody in the lobby didn't seem to care who he was only her with her stalking ass.

"Your Josh Christopher can I get a picture?!"

"Of course" he smiled and I took their pictures

"All done" I fake smile

"Y/n?" He looked at me

"Yup" I smile

"Dang I haven't seen you in forever" he walked over and tried to hug me.

"That's what happens when people get famous well most of the time" I shrug.

"It wasn't supposed to be like that I apologize"

"Don't it's been what 2 years I could care less now"

"Not if you being so hostile" Shay said

"Y/n always been like this it's okay" he said

My and josh were best friends but then he made it to the nba and we lost contact almost as soon as he was drafted.

"Well I'm ready to go let's go shay"

"No wait y'all knew each other and you ain't tell me"

"Girl it doesn't matter it's not like Iess with him anymore"I wave

"You know I love him"

"Oops it slipped my mind I know or should I say knew Josh Christopher"

"You irritating" he said

"Ima let y'all talk this is awkward" she walked off

"I'm sorry I didn't call"

"I said I was over it"

"But I know your not I know you" he grabbed my hand

"You don't know a damn thing about me." I snatch my hand "you're different now and so am I we not 16 anymore"

"I do like I know deep down your hurt and I'm sorry I heard about your mom"

"It's whatever" I shake my head

"Lets start over you knew I liked you but you kept pushing me away"

"Only because you had something going on that could take place anywhere and I had something going on out here I didn't want to hold you back" that was the half true.

"We could have made it work for awhile and you know that"

"Yeah" I look away and wipe a tears that had shedded.

"You okay?" He gripped my chin

"I need to tell you something" I take a deep breath before I start "when you left I found out I was pregnant and when I turned 3 months I lost the baby" I was full blown crying now.

"And you didn't tell me anything? My first child I wasn't gonna know about"

"I was always tryna look out for your career I didn't want a baby to put a hold on your career"

"Y/n are you dumb?"

"No" I say quietly

"That's some fucked up shit" he shook his head

"I know and I'm sorry" I wipe my face again

"It was nice seeing you but honestly I don't think I want to see you again" he walked out the hotel doors and that's the last I've seen of him.

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