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I stay with my aunt and her family and my cousin always got his friends over and a lot of them fine and I always notice this one guy in particular looking at me every time no matter what I'm wearing or how I look he looking. Josh. He was fine with a chocolate skin tone and his lips look juicy I'd suck them mf give me the chance and I'm taking it. But too decided I'd hang out with them and wear something I know he can't resist so I put on some black biker shorts and a black crop top that had the word love in red on it and, my Black and red  Jordan 1's.

"You coming with us today?"My cousin Cassius asked

"Mhm" I nod my head.

"Well change and let's go" he grabbed his basketball.

I know he know I already changed.

"I am changed let's go"

"You do know all of them are boys right"

"Well duh" I roll my eyes

"Well change what you got on ain't enough" he tried to push me back up the stairs but his mom stopped him.

"Cassius she looks fine"

"See" I smile.

"Now dad you think this is okay" he asked my uncle.

"Hell naw go change Y/n" I stomp up the stairs and pick a longer shirt but the shorts they staying.

"It's a little better I guess it will do" Cassius pushed me out the door.

They did they same routine everyday they all meet up,pick a place to eat, and then go play basketball. Same thing every week everyday.

"What you finally got Y/n out the house" Omar my favorite out the group said coming to hug me

"I didn't even have to ask she was already ready"

"You was ready to see me best friend" he walked with his arm around me

"El oh el"

"Oh wow" he pushed me away

"I'm kidding" I chase after him. I was not kidding.

I seen josh look at me that had ya girl on cloud 9.

"Hey Josh"

"Hey Y/n" he waved to me

"You don't see nobody else but Omar and Josh oh wow" Jalen crosses his arms.

"My bad hey Jalen" I hug him and then Tyler.

"I know Omar your favorite just got that" Sharife shook his head.

"You is too twin. All of y'all are"

"If you had to pick who would it be out of al if us besides Cassius"Jalen asked. Simple Josh.

"I don't know" I lie

"So best friend it wouldn't be me" Omar put me in a chokehold

Josh Christopher Imagines ✨Where stories live. Discover now