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At 16

Josh POV
"Josh go take this to the new neighbor" my brother Caleb said coming in my room

"Didn't mom tell you to do it?"

"Yeah and now I'm telling you" she handed me the invitation to our annual cook out "can't wait to move out" I mumble and slide on some Gucci slides.

I walk over next door and knocked and a pretty girl with the nicest body I EVER seen answered the door.

"Hi" she smiled she got a dimple on both cheeks marry me.

"Hi I'm Josh my family wanted me to give you this" I hand her the invitation

"Okay thank you Josh by the way I'm Y/n" she put her hand out for me to shake

" nice meeting you Yn hope to see you there" I smile and leave their door step.

"Who was that" my older brother asked.

"That was Josh" I smiled.

"Who is Josh you like him?"

"I just met him he gave us this" I show him the envelope

"Hmm" he hummed.

"Mom tomorrow we have a cook out to attend!" I yell up the stairs to my mom

"Okay!" She yelled back

I went outside and seen that Josh boy playing basketball with 3 other boys and 2 girls were watching.

"Who is that?" I heard one of the girls clear as day and she was mugging

"I don't know but she pretty" the other girl said to her and I smiled I love compliments.

"Yo tie dye girl" the nice girl yelled and I assumed it was me j was wearing a purple,pink, and blue tie dye shirt with matching shorts.

"Huh" I look over at her

"What's your name" she start walking towards me

"Y/n" I say politely.

"Nice to meet you Y/n I'm Malaysia" she put her hand out and I shake it "you wanna sit with us?"

"Sure" we walk to the other yard and I sat by her watching the boys play "wow they're good enough to go pro" I watch in amazement.

"Thank you" one boy heard me

"Oh guys this is Y/n my new neighbor" Josh said and everyone looked at me.

"Hi I'm Jalen"

"Caleb I'm Josh's brother" he smiled.

"I'm Cassius"

"You're pretty" the Jalen kid said

"Thank you and you're good at basketball" I try to compliment back "you all are"

"You play any sports?" Malaysia asked.

"No but maybe gymnastics"

"You flexible" Josh asked

"Perv" Malaysia said laughing

"It's not funny" the girl who hasn't said anything to me said

Josh Christopher Imagines ✨Where stories live. Discover now