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Josh POV
Right now Y/n is tryna tell me how to watch the twins like I don't know they my kids.

"Please don't give them any sugar past 4, their nap time is 12, dinner by 7 and in bed I would hope before 9 but if not that's fine"

"I know how to parent my kids woman"

"I just don't want anything to go bad and knock them off balance" she was worried and I get that she's never been away from the kids this long.

"Baby I got this these are my kids too" I kiss her cheek and she smiled

"Okay bye" she stuck out her bottom lip and kissed each of the kids and then me.

"I love you be safe"

"Love you too you guys have fun" she walked out the door.

"Well kids it's just me and you both" They both just look at me

"Candy daddy" I see Leilani tugging at my pants

"One piece" i walk to the pantry and hand her a Reese cup.

"Tank you daddy" she cheesed and sat in the living room.

"You got candy no fair" Micah folded his arms.

"You can have one too but ain't none of that" I say to him and his arms instantly drop to his sides.

"Tanks" he sat next to his sister.

I was going out of town for a tv show I was gonna be on which means I had to leave my kids and husband behind. I miss them.

Josh POV
@ 7

"Alright kids eat up"

"Ion like paghetti" Leilani scrunched her face up

"I do!" Micah raised his hand in excitement and took her bowl

"Well what do you like"

"I like ice cream"


"Taco" she tilt her head to the side

"I'll have uncle Bronny being those over.

"Ohtay" she went back to the couch

"Daddy this good" Micah slurped up his noodles.

"Glad you like" I smile and eat my food."

"Knock knock" I heard Bronny enter my house.

"You was quick"

"I was already in the drive thru"

"I forgot you a fat ass"

"You already know" he handed Lei her food.

"Thanks uncle Bron

"No problem kid. Where's your wife again?"

"Out of town"

"She trust you" his eyes grow wide in surprise.

"Get out" I say seriously pointing to the door.

"I was leaving anyway I got this bad lil jawn coming through"

"What color?" I asked jokingly but I'm serious.

"Oh tryna be funny but she my color" he stuck up the middle finger "bye kids"

"Bye" they say together and put up the same finger

"Put it down or you both getting whoopins" they ate they food as I thought.

"Daddy can we have ice cream" Leilani stuck out her bottom lip.

"No sweets."

"Mommy always gives us dessert" Micah said.

"On the weekends and if I remember it's only Wednesday so no"

"Aw man" they both say.

"Bath time Lei you first" I run upstairs and run her bath water

"Not too co da"


"Can I pick my pjs"

"Mhm" I put her bubble bath in.

"I can wash myself look da" she got her towel and put the Minnie Mouse soap on it and rubbed her body

"Good job" I give her a thumbs up and walk to her room and get her lotion ready

"Da I need you to do my bac and fe" She yelled

"Okay Leilani" I walk back in the bathroom and her hair is all wet "Leilani Nicole"

"I was swimming Micah always swim and it's okay" she pout

"Your mom is gonna kill me you just got this done" I was referring to her fresh braids.

"My bad daddy" she pouted and I instantly felt bad.

"It's okay let's get you out"

After I was done with her same routine with Micah

"Time for bed."

"No 6 more hours" Micah said with his eyes glued to the tv

"6 more what?" I laugh


"Nah lil dude you trippin" I shake my head


"Please daddy" the both pout together and majority ruled they stayed up for like 3 more hours and I made them sundaes.

"Mmmm" Leilani said with chocolate syrup all around her mouth.

"Daddy I want to play"

"What you wanna play"

"Hiding go seek" his eyes lit up

It was 10 they need to go to bed shoot I'm tired.

They stayed up till 12 running around the house making a mess and I was too tired to even bother it I couldn't even make it upstairs nobody did we all slept on the couch.

"What the hell" I entered my house and it's a mess toys everywhere food left on the counter and 3 pugs on my sofa.

"Josh" I walk over to him and wake him up.

"Hey baby your back" he said tiredly then he realized it was me "oh hey your back early"

"Yeah just 2 hours" I fake smile
"explain what happened to my house"

"Your kids they always do those puppy eyes to get what they want and it worked every time they get that from you" he pointed at me.

"From me?! they get that from you I can take a no and walk away"

"Mhm" he laid his head back on a pillow

"Clean this shit up" I yell going to my room I was tired.

"Mommy" the twins both jump up and follow me yeah I'm not going to sleep anytime soon.

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