Hot In Herre

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Chapter 9:

I walk my way to Margo's house so we can walk to school together. Luckly she only lived a block away from my house so it made it easy for me to visit her.

Once I get to her house I open the door with my key, and yes I have a key to her house. I also have a key to Andy’s.

“Marco!” I called making my way to her room waiting for her to call Polo. I get to her door and it's closed. I’m about to knock when I hear her yelling.

“No! Stop please!” Her voice echo’s through the doors and I hear a load banging noise.

“Stop! Don’t touch it, it’s MINE! Ow!” She said again and my adrenaline kicked in I need to do something but what?!

“Stop fighting me off” I heard Destrey yell. OH MY GOD HE WAS SERIOUS WHEN HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO RAPE HER!

I grabbed my phone quickly and texted Andy as fast as I could.

Vicki: Help! Come to Margo’s house now. I need you!

I run over to her parent’s room grabbing a mettle bat.

“Swing until passed out not dead, do not kill, you do not want to kill him” I chanted to myself on my way to the door.

“Stop it!”


“I’m going to kill him” I said finally swinging the door open with my bat in the air charging in the room.

“Holy Filipino diaper rash!” Destrey yelled. Jumping out of the way from my swinging bat.

“Good thing I got here on time. Has your mother ever told you not to rape someone!” I said holding tight to my bat. Destrey was in a corner his hands up in surrender looking scared. He should be scare…

“I wasn’t trying to rape her!”

I look over at Margo who was on the floor laughing.

“She had my green crayon and I was trying to get it back!”

I dropped the bat feeling relieved and stupid. Margo and I looked at a terrified Destrey who starred at the bat like I was still too close to it. I couldn’t help but laughing with Margo.

I heard the front door open and slam shut.

“Vicki! Margo!” Andy yelled running in the room and I froze. That did it for me. I dropped to ground with Margo laughing so hard our faces hurt and make up ruined.

It wasn’t the fact that he walked in… it was what he was wearing! Bright gold sparkling sweat pants and a tight black shirt that had ‘sparkle’ in white fake diamonds on the front.

“OH MY GOD! What are you wearing?!?!” Margo shrieked still laughing.

“Did you leave the house so fast that you had to put on some of Danni’s clothes?!?!” I yelled still laughing.

“ I bedazzled the shirt myself” Destrey said all proud.

I think you can guess what Margo and I did next.

“I’m… dying!” She yelled.

“I never laughed… this...hard!” I yelled back.

“What happened here?” Andy asked Destrey.

“She tried to kill me!” Destrey yelled and I jumped up on the bed to point down at me.

“I thought you were raping Margo!”

“But all I was doing was trying to get my damn green crayon”

“Crayon rapist!”

“Crazy bat chick!”

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