Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:

It was now Friday and I sat at my usual table with Mary and Jane. Andy usually joined us after saying hi to his followers and having his way with some girl.

“We are finding you a man” Jane sang.

“Yeah Victoria, I know there are guys all over this school that would love to be yours.” Mary added.

“No there isn’t and I don’t want to go out with some random guy”

“Who says he has to be random?”

“Yeah, you can go out with one of Andy’s friends. Not only would that make him jealous but they’re hot.” Jane told me with wide excited eyes.

“Jane, stop it. Andy doesn’t care about her in that way. Don’t get her hopes up.... but his friends are hot.” Mary said with a nod.

“I’ll think about it. I’ll look around.”

“Hello ladies” Andy greeted like every day.

“So what were you guys talking about?” he asked.

“Nothing” we all said at the same time and he raised his eyebrows.

“Girl talk” I added.

“Oh alrighty then”


“Best and worst part of the day?” I asked Andy as he drove me home.


“What? You can tell me. Best and worst part? Remember? You can’t lie to me.”

He sighed heavily.

“Best was having lunch with you; worst was having this chick go all crazy on me. After we left the school closet she wanted to make me stay with her and talk. She knew it was me, she should have seen it coming” Andy finished.

I stared out of the window to hurt and mad to say anything.

“This is why I didn’t want to tell you! You’d judge me!” he yelled.

“You’re my best friend nothing can change that but you could really piss me off sometimes.”

“What did I do that was so bad? I do this all the time.” He said getting frustrated.

“You broke that girl’s heart today. She thought she might, just might be special to you. Different. Different than the others. You’ve got to stop this. What about your girl?”

“She doesn’t love me back, and I can only get over her by being with other girls… I can’t help it”

“Who is this girl?” I whispered.

“I don’t want to talk about it” he said not meeting my gaze.

“What’s your high and low of the day?” he asked changing the subject.

“The high of my day was having lunch with you and my low was that Mary and Jane keep pressuring me to get a boyfriend. It got annoying after awhile, but I know they’re right.”

“How are they right? You shouldn’t just have a boyfriend because they want you to”

“I know. I am just going to let life take me where it needs to be. If I meet a guy that I do truely like and he likes me back then yeah. I’ll give him a chance.” I said with a shrug.

“That sounds like a good plan to me” he said with a his smile that made me want to melt in my seat.

“This is my jamb!” he yelled turning up the radio.

He sang to Take it Home by The White Tie Affair in a tone deaf voice. I now he could sing well. I’ve heard it before, but he liked to make a fool of himself by singing like this. I sang with him, screaming the lyrics and laughing as we went down my street.


“Bird!” I heard Andy scream from outside my house.

I ran down the stairs and ran outside to see Andy holding a stick and starring at a random bird on my porch.

“Vicki! Watch out!” he screamed frantically as I giggled.

“It’s just a bird Andy” I said as he pushed me behind him protectively.

“Birds are evil” he whispered as I keep laughing at how stupid he looked.

Andy has had a fear of birds sense he was attacked by a group of them at the beach when he was ten years old.

“You shall not eat thy brain!” he yelled at the oblivious bird. I started laughing so hard that I was crying.

“Where did you get that one?” I asked once I could breath again.

“Oh just some book I read” He said and screamed like a girl when the bird got closer.

“It’s not funny!” he yelled at me grabbing my wrist.

“Oh it really is.”

“Run!” he yelled dragging me with him to his car.

He quickly locked the doors and took off faster then necessary to school.

“Stop laughing”

“I-I c-can’t. Y-your face was…” I then started laughing again not being able to help myself.

“You can’t tell anyone”

“I wouldn’t but I know these great bird calls. Do you want me to try it?” I teased.


“Maybe some other time”

Andy ------------------------------>

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