The Misltoe

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Chapter Twelve:

Christmas Eve was soon to come. The houses were decorated, people crowding the stores, and excited smiles of little children. I always loved Christmas. The colors, the fresh pine tree smell, the decoration, and the joyous smiles. This Christmas might not be as happy for me.

Andy and I barely even talk anymore; the only time we’d talk was when Margo and Destrey made us hang out with them. I’d see him in the hall way with different girls including Kloe and he’d see me talking with Shane. We were both to stubborn to say sorry first. HE knew I hated Kloe as much as he hated Shane. I told him all about the way Kloe is and of course he didn’t listen. I still fear that Kloe would tell Andy about my feeling again but Margo keeps telling me she wouldn’t risk the chance of Andy having the same feelings for me. This is completely ridiculous. I’m like a little sister to him, he said so himself.

So here I sit on Destrey’s couch with Margo watching Andy and Destrey resoled over the x-box control.

“Unhand it!”


“It’s mine!”

“It’s my house!”

And the fight continued as Margo and I casually started talking about something else.

Them fighting like that isn’t new, but at some point Margo stood up and took the controller from them.

“That’s it! No one gets it” She said walking to the kitchen and I followed her watching her quickly hid it.

I laugh at Destrey’s expression when he couldn’t find where she put it.

“How dare you? My own girlfriend stole part of my soul.” He said dramatically falling to his knees. Andy came up leaning against the opposite side of the door way frowning at Margo.

“Margo please give it back. We’ll be good” Andy said and she glared at him.

“I had to take it away before someone got hurt and started crying”

“WE WOULDN’T CRY!” They both shouted, but Margo didn’t answer she was smiling at something and kept looking between me and Andy.

Andy and I awkwardly looked at each other.

“What?” I asked when Destrey started to do the same thing.

“You guys have to kiss” Destrey said with an evil smile.


Margo pointed above our heads. We both started to shake out heads no. My heart speed up faster than I thought was possible.

“It’s a rule. You both are under the mistletoe. You have to do” Margo said.

“You’ll know we’ll make you do it to” Destrey said pushing us together almost making me fall if it wasn’t for Andy catching me. We looked into each other’s eyes. Andy was trying to search and see if I really wanted to get out of this. He knows how important my first kiss is to me, even if he’s mad at me he would never steal it without my consent. The thing he doesn’t know is that I’ve wanted him to be it for a long time now. I just give him a shrug trying to hide the panic and nervous feeling in my stomach.

“They’ll make us do it if we don’t.” I whispered staring at the wall behind him.


My heart skipped a beat when I felt him slid his hands behind my neck lacing his fingers in my hair bringing me closer to him. He’s kissed many other girls in the past. I’ve kissed no one before. I’m probably a bad kisser he probably doesn’t even-

My thoughts were cut off when he abruptly brought his lips to mine. I gasped in surprise as warm tingles went all the way down to my toes. His lips soft and hot against mine, fitting into my lips perfectly. Andy gripped me hair so I couldn’t pull away. After losing my shocked frozen state I started to kiss him back. I was too distracted to even notice Destrey’s whistles or yells of approval. I didn’t even notice when he suddenly fell silent after who knows how long.

I grabbed a handful of Andy’s shirt bringing him even closer. I felt Andy part his lips slightly and my heart went even faster, but before anything else happened. Someone cleared their throat. Andy pulled away and we both looked over to see an expressionless Shane.

“A-a, h-hi” I stuttered awkwardly very aware that Andy was still holding me.

“Hi” Shane said sounding a bit amused but mad at the same time.

“So… what’s new?” Shane asked as he walked by me lightly putting his hand on my back making me give him more room to pass by me and making Andy let go of me.

Andy scowled at him. “What are you even doing here Shane?” Andy asked but Shane ignores him.

“Um… it’s Christmas” was my lame answer.

“Yeah…” Shane said glancing up at the mistletoe. “I noticed” a hint of jealously clear in his voice.

“I have to go” Andy said abruptly.

“I have a date” he added before quickly leaving the room. Leaving me even more heart broken and alone under the mistletoe.

“If it wasn’t for Shane over here I think we would of staid like that for hours! You and Andy were acting like you couldn’t breath and needed each other for the help” Destrey said hopping onto his counter.

I started to blush despite the tears forming in my eyes.

“I have to go” I said running from the house.

Why does he always do this to me? Make me break down like those whinny girls in movies.

“Victoria!” Shane called out to me but I ignored him and continued to walk far away from the house.

“Vicki!” he shouted again and ran up to me bringing me into a tight hug that made me automatically feel better.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered softly rubbing my back.

“Things will get better. I promise” Shane whispered looking into my eyes. I had the sudden urge to try and erase everything happen before and go hang out with Shane. Shane always knew how to make me smile when I was upset over Andy.

Shane looked at me with a new kind of intensity that he’s never done before. My heart jumped nervously but not the way Andy always made my hear move….

“Can I try something?” Shane asked.

“Um… okay?” I asked confused, but just then Shane pulled his lips quickly to mine.

I kissed him back for a second but I soon realized what was happening and gently pulled away.

“Shane?” I whispered as his eyes were still shut.

“Hmm…?” he asked.

“Not that I didn’t like that but…” I said awkwardly and his eyes snapped open. I wasn’t lying either. I like Shane. A lot. He’s amazing and if I wasn’t in love with his brother I wouldn’t be so conflicted with my feelings.

“You’re in love with him… I know. Before… by hanging out with you I did it just to piss him off… but now when I saw you and Andy earlier I realized that I do really like you. I’m sorry that I used you before. My feelings have changed. I’ve changed and you helped me. You helped me smile again. You’re beautiful and beyond my words”

“B-but Shane… that wouldn’t be fare to you and I’m sorry. I can’t do that to either of you.” Giving Shane a lingering kiss on the cheek I ran away from him and to my empty house.

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