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C'mere Li"

I whispered quitely as I watched a willowy limbed girl with wild curls. She was taking drag after drag from a cigarette that was dangling from her thin fingers. Her eyes were bright; tired dark rings underneath them, marring her beauty. Her hair was long in blonde ringlets falling haphazardly around her head and down her back.

"See you later Dani..." a pale blonde cackled to her tripping away down the street, heels dragging along the pavement.

I looked back into Li's deep yellow eyes, his gaze was locked on her as she continued to pull a small coat over her bustier.


Liam was quite, his voice barley audible over the cool midnight gales.

"Yea Li..."

"I'll be back later tonight ok..."


I loaded up to jump from the rooftop; not bothering to acknowledge his response. I didn't wait long enough too anyways as I was already catching up to her.

She seemed to have noticed me, brown eyes shining in dim light that was currently seeping out from the street, a small smirk lingering at the corners of her mouth. We continued to walk in silence when finally, she spoke.

*"I'm guessing you want something from me..." she said continuing to gaze forward and down the narrow passageway, her voice rough from smoke, yet slick with seduction.

I wanted "something" alright. As a matter of fact, I wanted something so badly that I'd do anything for it, But instead I just shook my head no.

"please don't take it that way... I Know you need the money... But I... I don't have any..." a hint of warning in my voice as she sent me a look full of skepticism, stopping in her tracks. Her heels were no longer clacking, causing us to be drowned in an awkward sort of silence.

She turns, a saccharine smile spreading across her face and displaying both sets of pearlescent teeth, still white despite the possible variants tabacco that passed her lips.

"Baby listen, your cute-but I don't work for free... Come back when you can afford me, ok? Then we'll talk..."

I cleared my throat


-a scoff

"I'm sorry... What?"

her voice was risen a little bit at this point.

I stared.

"I said no."

She takes sharp breath in through her teeth, a look of fear spreading across her face as she takes a quick hop backwards.

"I have people who deal with sick fucks like you!"

Shit. I didn't mean it that way...

"NO! Please... I-I um... I didn't mean it that way... I just wanna help you... Get to know you alittle?"

She looks calm now but is lost in thought

"I 'be been hurt so many times... You know. By so many people, on so many different occasions... I can't trust just anyone, because i can only expect pain. Fear. Abandonment."

Her voice was quiet and breathy as she said this, backing away from me further.

"Danielle. I am not like everyone else..."

She began to pick up speed while continuing her journey backwards,

"Your a fucking loon! "

She snapped as her tears continued to stream down her smooth cheeks.


She bristled at my volume change, my voice being thrown across every wall in the dingy alleyway.

"get back here, god dammit!*"

"What did you say to me..."

I took in a quick breath then walked slowly to where she stood


"How do you even know my name... You don't even know me.."

She sounded like a child, meek and fragile as she crashed into my broad chest, crumpling into me and inhaling my scent.

"Just listen to me..." I wiped a tear from her face with the pad of my thumb, causing her to shiver.

" I just want to help you, and I know I can if you'll just hear me out... I need you; to fix you and feel your heartbeat. I need to know your safe and alive because, I'll never be the same again if your not with me..."

She was so close in my arms now, that I could feel her delicate pulse under my fingers as I held her close; making my skin tingle. I guess I did want something. Way more then I'd ever know.

Too bad we can't have everything...


I hope this will hold you over 'til I am off probation.... COMMENT, VOTE, LIKE, FAN and BE A BAMF!


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