Chapter 2

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George Shelley from Union J is in this! I would use Josh but George is so much more innocent looking so you wouldn't expect it!

___________________________________________________________________________ (Louis)

I carried the boys body in my arms as i entered the doorway to my flat. His eyes weren't as cloudly now; more of a misty green as I listen to him mutter quitely under his breath. 

I then lay him on the couch, waiting for him to come back to reality. 

I'd never really learned about my ability until about two years ago, when I was about 19. 

I was out walking when a gorgeous boy tapped my shoulder. He introduced himself as George, soon we became closer as friends. Then it all changed...


I heard him call from the bedroom as I entered his flat, checking the clock. It was 11 at night...he was up pretty late today! He wanted me to come over so we could hang out, so I used the spare key to unlock the door and let myself in. 


his voice was raspy when he called out. When I pulled the handle I found him, his eyes were blue, a bright, processed blue unlike his usual deep brown ones...

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON....I stepped closer, nervous and unsure as he sat idly in his spot on the bed. 

" Louis... Do you wanna go get lunch with me?" 

As he talked he looked down at his feet,chestnut fringe covering his face as he smiled at me. His smile was tight and forced as he looked at my face picking up on my discomfort. 

"Sure... Are you sure you want to go out right now? You look upset..."

"I am OK, If anything eating will make me feel...Better..." 

We rose and headed outside to the car.When I got to the lot, I stood at the door of the car when I realized.... George was gone. 

My stomach fluttered. What was going on? 

My muscles tensed as I heard a snarl from behind me. I turned around quickly watching all of the shadows. 

"GEORGE? DO YOU HEAR THAT..." I called out to the boy getting no reply. 


I was knocked over by a solid weight the wind leaving my lungs.

Suddenly I found myself pinned down to the car, backed up on the cool glass window. I looked up into a pair of eyes, blue meeting blue.

"I am sorry Lou..." 

He whispered to me, his eyes intense yet regretful. 

"I am gonna make it fast... I can't take this anymore... I NEED you.." 

He began to kiss my neck trailing down my neck with his tongue. I began to writhe underneath his soft lips. His mouth was amazing; it was like he was iresistable. I couldn't get enough of him and I wanted his lips to be everywhere.  

"GEORGE..." I let a moan slip through my parted lips. 

"I am sorry... I am so sorry..." 

His voice was different now, no longer sweet and adorable; a rumble, deep in his chest. I craned my neck as he bent down to nip my collarbones. Thats when it happened. The sharp pain and heat overcoming me. 

"I am so sorry Louis.. So, so sorry"

I woke up in a ditch behind the complex, this was when I realized what George had done. What he was. What I must have become. It was also when I realized... I didn't want this. I didn't want to be a monster.

A strangled laugh escaped my  mouth as a gasp came from the couch, causing me to look over at the frightened brunette. 

"Look who's up?" I lilted, a sneer plastered on my face as I stood up from my spot stepping slowly towards him. He stood as well, backing away slowly. 

"Why are you so afraid love? You just look like you need a good roughing up..." I was in front of the boy now, the wall behind closing him off. 

"what's your name... Hmm?" the words slipped out of my mouth easily as I look him up and down. He's fit... Muscular and tall... A lot taller then me... 

"Harry" his deep voice wavered in fear. 

"Are you AFRAID of me Harry?" 

He stepped farther back and hit the wall, when I finally decided to grab his wrists, hastily pinning them above his head onto the wall. 

"No. Get the fuck off." 

"Your lying." 

"Shove off." 

He glares at me struggling to escape while I stand. 

I chuckle, 

"Babe... I know your afraid, I won't hurt you. I am just a little famished is all... You can help with that"

"I don't want to help you obviously! Just let me leave, ok?" 

he spat his words at me with tears welling up in his eyes, forcing an overlay of anger on top of fear. I am growing impatient as hunger gnaws at me 

"I think you do if you want to live!"

He stood silent, and finally let his tears slip down his pale cheeks.

"Well... Aren't you pretty? Such a pretty goodboy... Are you going to listen to me Baby? " I whispered into his ear as I licked up his neck.

He nodded.

"Good. I have never seen such a sight, a beauty like you...crying... It turns me on, quite frankly... I'd like to see more of it. My name is Louis by the way... if you wanna take that into account for... later " My voice was deep but hushed as I slipped my leg inbetween his and captured his mouth with my own. He sniffled, inhaling sharply as I licked into the sweetness of his mouth, beginning to nip sharply at his tongue as our teeth crashed together. His sniffles were slowly turning to moans as I reached down to trace his semi with my pointer finger.

"Louis.." he gasped pulling away from my mouth. His dick was fully hard now, and I lifted him up into my arms, wrapping his legs around my waist. I took him back to my room, leaving a trail of clothing Behind...

- I was too excited too get the smut into this chapter, but it will be there soon so.. just a warning. HOW'D YOU LIKE ITT!?!?


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