Chapter 7 (under editing)

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Song 2: Love is Blindness - Jack White -The Great Gatsby [Deluxe Version]

from now on i am gonna use this key for Harry and Louis POV'S to find out whos pov it is, look at the heading were it says " Chapter X " (where the arrow is pointing in this case) and it will be indicated:

| ASDFJKL - (Bolded) means this chapter ( or Section) is from Harry's POV

| ASDFJKL- (italics) means Lou's POV

Extra POV's will be labeled above each section or chapter....


Enjoy Loves!

Sydney xx.



I sat Idle in the silence of the small bedroom and stared out the window. It had been hours now, and I was far too tired of listening to the screams and growls down the hallway, so I stood, pushing up the glass pane on the window to let in the cool night air; listening to the sounds of the world outside. I was sighing, leaning in to press the side of my face against the screen. I kept leaning in, further and further... only to find that there wasn't one. The wind tore into the room and past me as I sat on the open sill, not caring about the danger that I'd put myself in. I could seen down through the slated fire escape, the pavement shining with rain. Might as well... I thought to myself as I slipped out on to the roof. The air smelled of petrichor and cold wind, as I took a deep breath.

I had never felt more alone in my entire life as I looked down into the alleyway below. The whole situation didn't make sense too me -I don't think it ever will- the only thing I wanted then, was a place where I could've run.

A place to leave.

A place to get away from all of it- even if it was only for a little while.

I needed to go.

I realized that I was standing then, my feet carrying me to the fire escape as I tugged the ladder down. It groaned as the rust chipped off and down from the hinges. I began my descent downwards, hitting the asphalt and stumbling out in to the misty alleyway; with only the street light as my companions.

I stumbled a little as I ran- down the alley further and further, until the complex has turned into a beacon, floating in an endless sea of pitch. I was grinning to myself- a laugh gurgling up and out of my throat, it sounded almost deranged as I let out a quick shout of joy... Until I had seen a boy. He was standing across from me and smirking.

"having fun?" He had said, swaying a little with each step.

I stared at him, frozen under his gaze, nodding.

A chuckle came from him as he looked down,

"Thought so..."

He was about 7 feet away from me -sizing me up.

He looked even cuter up close: gorgeous eyes and an amazing smile complete with full rosy lips hiding a set of white teeth, shaped like white chiclets, his hair was a brown with caramel-colored under tones. His beauty was almost spellbinding-as pretty as Zayn and Ni... Yet as rugged as Li- and undefinable as Louis.

"What's your name Babe?"

"I am... -Uh- H-Harry."

He grinned at me, his eyes were almost glowing in the dark.

"Well Harry, someone as pretty as you are shouldn't be walking around out here at this hour, now should they?" He purrs and I feel myself start to blush; he is grinning at me now, displaying two pointy "fangs"-incisors.

I swallowed quickly;

"Well, I am not alone...."

"Oh really babe?"

"My um...My boyfriend knows where I am... He actually is on the terrace waiting or me to get back I live um"

I pointed to the apartments-

"Back down -um back down there, yeah?"

The boy nodded, furrowing up his eyebrows and forming a crinkle in the space between. I don't know why I had told him where I lived... It was odd; the effect he had on me... Once I kept talking, I couldn't seem to stop.

"Dammit. Boyfriend?"

He pouted his lip a little bit as I nodded.

"yeah. 's name is-

I had to restrain myself from cringing-


he began to stroll away, a slow swagger that probably made girls swoon.

"Louis is a fool, Letting a boy like you just wander the streets- All alone as well... Someone could just...Take you away like...that"

He snapped during his last pause; the noise bouncing off of the walls and traveling through the shadows.

I laughed, shaking my head so that my curls fell into my eyes, no one had ever really wanted me- and it had been that way all of my life. I'd never felt a passionate kiss from the lips of another who didn't just want something from me, or heard the words I love the times that I really wanted to hear them. I was thrown from my thoughts as I heard his voice again, he sounded quizzical.


I'd looked up at him and he cotinued to speak, eyes roaming over me- up and down, up and down;

"Let's do something -for your boyfriend-Sort of like a...A test yeah?"

I felt a perverse thrill run through my body and began to grin.

I tripped over to where he stood,

"Yea? And what about this test?"

I saw his eyes glinting, looking dark up close.

He spun around on his heel, pacing to the opposite side of the alley, slow and lazy.

"Well, since he's stupid enough too leave you all alone out here- poor beautiful Bambi-eyed boy..."

He stops to coo at me; causing me to roll my eyes,

"We are gonna see if he's smart enough too-"

He was no longer across from me, but only afew inches away...close enough to lean in and kiss him,

"come take you back..."

I looked at the boy for a second; lost in thought...I had long decided to play along with him, only thinking of how good it had felt to interact with someone who didn't crave human blood.

" But why should I go with you? I barely know you...I don't even know you name, A handsome guy like you could just be waiting to snatch up a vulunerable boy like me- and for what, to use me for a night of fun a toss me out?"

I jutted out my bottom lip and looked down at the concrete, counting the cracks beneath my feet. I heard his footsteps, they sounded like he was getting farther and farther away.

"Because...If I had a boyfriend who looked like you"

He stopped walking, I watched as he looked upwards towards the sky,

"I wouldn't let you out of my sight..."

I gasped, not expecting that to leave his mouth.

I still don't know what I was thinking as I ran to him... I guess I liked him- or what he gave me...

He smirked as I walked along beside him.


I began,

"What's your name?"


I am not a fan of this chapter... but the next one will be good (I hope you will love the Ziall!) Sorry guys... Thanks for staying with me!


PS- COMMENT BELOW who you think the "mystery boy" is, yeah? I wanna hear your guesses... ;) lets try a comment goal... when this chapter reaches 10 comments or 10 votes I will try to update Chapter 8 ... so vote and comment! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2013 ⏰

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