Chapter 4

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--I Ship Payzer but for the sake of the story... Dani is a prostitute... I am sorry Dani!


I Sat silently outside the door, listening intently to the snarls and bickering, out in the dining area. 


Liam snapped, his voice sounding tight and angry. 

I heard something crash to the floor, followed by growls and hisses. 

"What Liam? Your just angry that I've found someone!"

"That's bullshit Lou! Bullshit! And you know it!"

It was silent for a spot of time, until Liam broke the silence again,

"Louis you may not have been around for as long as the rest of us, but you should know better then to take someone off the streets!" 

Next, I heard what sounded like the scuffle of feet; a slam and something demented. Hissing and soft thudding, hard bone crashing into soft flesh. 

"The whore Liam!"


I stayed still, not daring to breath or move.

"The. Whore. What was her name Liam? Danielle? What about her?!"

At this point it was silent. So silent that it hurt; nothing but panting and quite was left to be heard but panting.

"We'll finish talking about this later. Zayn, you Lou and I will hunt tonight."

Zayn (who I presume is the raven haired one with smoldering eyes) spoke, 

"why is Louis coming?"

More silence.

"Because... Some of us only play with our food. And We don't know that in the end... It's not good for us."

I shook my curls out and thought for a while, and honestly I know what I wanted too know. One: what were these beautiful boys. Two: who is Danielle, and three: how will I get out of here... Or do I even want too?


-- Keep reading! I just wanna get all of the character background out first before the plot is truly revealed... :) also YOU DONT WANNA MISS Liam's POV NEXT! Its gonna be awesomeee! oh and i ended here and this way for a cliff-hanger... (sorta anyway) But The more reads=the more UPDATES! Thanks! STAY LOCKED IN!


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