Ending Note

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You know, it's interesting how much life can change your perspective of things during a time period. When I first began writing this story, I didn't know a thing about how relationships actually worked. Well, I knew what fanfictions, songs, and movies taught me but nothing first hand.

When this story was originally drafted, I never planned for James ever admitting anything in regards to any guilt he felt. I planned for Selene denying James because she didn't believe him, but not because she was hurt.

Then, life happened. I learnt first-hand how pain caused from your partner can tarnish a part of your relationship for a while. I learnt how your partner can hold that guilt with them for years. I learnt that all wounds take time to heal and if you truly care for someone, you can work together to heal those wounds. You can recover from heartache by leaning on someone else. This doesn't make you weak, it makes you strong enough to admit that you need support to get through it. What's the expression? "Lean on me, when you're not strong"? Yeah. You can do that and it can help. It may not help everyone, and that's ok, but it may help some.

Naturally, I needed to apply the knowledge gained from real life into this story if I was going to write it right.

I hope the ending was worth waiting years for. And I hope that me, finishing a story I originally drafted in 2015 encourages a few of you to continue to write your own story.

No matter how much time passes, that magic that you held for the story will always be there. It just requires you picking it back up, rereading what you have written, and picking up that pen (or keyboard) and continuing to write. It's never too late.

Much love and stuff,

Emily AKA theMaraudeers

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