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"Been waiting and waiting for you to make a move..."


Quidditch games always led to after parties. Whether it be to cheer up the players after a loss, or to congratulate them for a victory. In this night's case, it was the latter.

Selene was in a reasonably good mood after the Quidditch game. She spent it amongst friends: teased Remus, admired James... It was a pretty successful game on her part. So when Mary suggested that all the girls get dressed up for the party, she did not say no.

Selene was never one for dressing up for parties, honestly. She much preferred to go in her pyjamas and laughing at all the drunkards (Sirius, mostly) before going straight to her cozy bed. This task was easy because she always claimed, if asked, that she had an early prefect patrol the following morning. But since Remus was apparently pulling an allnighter (or as Sirius had claimed loudly after excitedly rushing out of the Quidditch dressing rooms), she knew that her excuse would fall short. If Remus did not patrol, neither did she.

It must have came to no surprise to Mary when she walked in to see Selene standing in front of her bed with her pointer finger tapping thoughtfully on her chin as she contemplated what dress to wear.

"Goodness, Selene, have you never dressed up before?" Mary asked, her tone filled with disbelief.

"Yes, but not for parties. Who dresses up for parties anyways?" Selene countered, her brown eyes taking in the purple dress near the end of her bed thoughtfully. "What do you think about purple?"

Selene could almost hear Mary roll her eyes as she stepped into place beside her. "You are. And that dress is too grotesque to wear anywhere else but to an ex's funeral."

Selene laughed a little at that. As a muggleborn, Mary was more keen when it came to muggle-enjoyable things: such as decorating and fashion. It was Mary who had decorated the shared dorm room, replacing Selene's old bed with a bookshelf and a blanket to curl up on in front of the fireplace that was standard, placed in the center of the room. It was also Mary who criticized people when she saw that they were wearing almost anything else besides their uniforms, claiming that it looks 'unprofessional'. To which Alice, often the victim to such remarks, would claim 'but they're pyjamas, who wears professional pyjamas?'.

"Ok, then what should I wear?" Selene asked.

Mary took no time in pointing to a black sweetheart dress that was, unsurprisingly, purchased by the muggleborn herself. "That one. I purchased it for you as a gift and I have yet to see you wear it. Give the poor dress some love, won't you?"

Selene nodded, knowing better than to question Mary.

Mary began to leave the room, her shoes clicking on the hardwood floor as she left. She called over her shoulder before she disappeared around the corner, "Oh yeah, and no leaving as soon as Sirius begins to hit on people. It's the first party of the year, well, that all of Gryffindor is invited to, try and have some fun."

Selene sighed deeply, there goes whatever was left of her hopes for bailing the party.


Selene waited outside of her old dorm, her flatted feet tapping the floor impatiently. Merlin, for girls who had Mary lurking behind their backs insisting that they hurry and dress up already, they sure were slow. She was thankful that she chose to wear flats as opposed to heels, otherwise her feet would be killing her already from all the standing around.

The door cracked open slowly, revealing Mary in a faded orange dress with a tie on the front and a dazzling smile. "I knew that dress would look stunning on you! Lily, Alice! Come look at Selene! She looks so grown up!"

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