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“You’re saying all the things that you’re supposed to,

But you don’t know how to love me when you’re sober.”


Please read the warning posted at the end of the previous chapter and if innocent minded, skip this chapter and wait for the next one. Thank you :-)

Selene was exhausted. Despite all her walks to the Quidditch Pitch, all those times hurrying out of class in hopes of catching James before he goes too far, she had not got a chance to talk to him once. She would have owled him, but her owl had an injury from the time she and James had transfigured him into a giant spider and let it loose after students left Astronomy. They were terrified and tried to squish it multiple times, but just ended up damaging his real wings. Overall, not a smart plan.

She had made up her mind to let James come to her instead of wasting all the time that she could be enjoying her life to hunt down a boy who did not want to be found.

It was late on the next Friday, a week and a half since her last encounter with James, a week and a half since Sirius told her that James was just dealing with his emotions. She settled into bed, hugged her teddy bear close, and readiest herself for a restless sleep.

Then came the tapping.

Selene did not answer, perhaps if she did not make a sound they would go away and bother her in the morning.

There was more tapping.

Away it continued.

Selene was debating whether or not killing a person for disturbing her while she was about to fall asleep was a reasonable enough excuse for murder when she heard the voice she had been waiting to hear all week.


Selene jolted up straight at the sound of his voice, her heart thudding nervously in her chest.

The voice continued, pleading, “Can I come in? Please?”

It took her a moment to find her voice, “Of course.”

The door creaked open, crack by crack, until there was enough room for the silhouette to enter the room. He closed the door with a light click before padding towards her bed. She felt the mattress sink down on the other side of the bed.

“I’ve been looking for you for the past couple of days,” Selene whispered into the dark.

James’ reply fell short onto her ears, “I’ve heard.”

She frowned, “About what happened in the closet…”

“Did you know about Koda? Lily’s… significant other?”

Selene resisted the urge to roll her eyes, but let herself after remembering that it was dark in her room so he would not see. James always found a way to revert every serious topic to Lily. “Yes. We are friends, you know.”

“I know,” James sighed. Selene could not see him, but she could hear him shuffling and getting comfortable on the other side of the bed. “I guess I just wished that no one else knew so I wouldn't feel so bloody stupid about not picking up on it sooner. For someone who has spent every waking hour admiring her, I sure don't realize what is going on in her life.”

Selene murmured a sound of agreement, still unclear as to why he came all the way to her bedroom in the middle of the night to share this with her after avoiding her for days.

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